5 Ways To Love What You Do For Work

5 Ways To Love What You Do For Work

Let’s talk about 5 Ways To Love What You Do For Work!

Happy Labor Day!

I went out surfing with Jomel this morning (it was a LOT OF FUN!).

I think it’s trending to work in a job that you love.

Don’t you?

I feel like it’s something that is expected now.

Love what you do or just don’t do it!

Well that’s easier said than done, if you don’t know how.

That’s why today we are talking about 5 Ways To Love What Do For Work

#1 Way To Love What Do For Work

Choose work that you love to do.

This is obvious but there are a lot of people who choose work based on what they think they should do, or what their parents want them to do.

It’s ok to go try one kind of work, and if you don’t like it, to try a different kind.

Going to classes, volunteering or interning are great ways to see what the work will be like without making a full commitment.

Research what you think you want to do.

Will you be at a desk?



Will you be working with people?

Will you be selling, talking, analyzing, traveling?

#2 Way To Love What Do For Work

Go to work with a beginner’s mind.

Every day is new, what is there to learn today?

What can you improve or make better?

Everyday is a new day.

Who can you make smile today?

Pretend it’s your first day, when you showed up early and wanted to look your best.

I used to focus on a new skill or practice something to improve myself.

Maybe I would practice complimenting people.

Or maybe I would say positive things to myself.

Maybe I would tackle a project I’ve always wanted to do.

#3 Way To Love What Do For Work

Surround yourself with positive people who love the work you are doing.

The people make a big difference.

If you can choose between different companies, then choose the one with the happier people who love what they do.

Of course, you can practice being positive about what you do.

Say how much you love work and how much you love to be there.


#4 Way To Love What Do For Work

Take time off from your work to recharge.

I know people who literally work all the time, even to night, and that’s all they do.

Their bosses literally have to make them take a vacation and when they do they still show up at the office in their casual clothes.

It’s important to take breaks, do something completely different.

That will keep you happy and motivated when you get back to the work that you love.

#5 Way To Love What Do For Work

Remember why you love what you are doing.

Take time out to practice feeling grateful and reflecting on how lucky you are.

I’m a full time mommy part time finance freedom coach and even then, sometimes I get cranky.

I take time to be grateful for my son.

I take time to be grateful for the home that I clean and take care of.

I remember how blessed that I am!

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