5 Ways To Increase The Value of Your Time

5 Ways To Increase The Value of Your Time

Today I’m going over 5 Ways To Increase The Value of Your Time.

Back in 2011 I had over $40,000 in credit card debts and the only thing that kept me positive was taking the steps to become financially free and have more free time.

Today my time has become so valuable that most of my day no one could pay me to see me, talk to me or procure my services.

This is a very empowering experience.

It is also one of the ways I measure how wealthy I truly am.

So, I’m going to share with you today 5 Ways to Increase The Value of Your Time.

Way #1 Increase The Value You Offer

The first way To Increase The Value of Your Time that I learned is to increase the value of what you have to offer.

As you become more experienced in your work, you can do more in a shorter amount of time.

So, if you work less hours to get the same amount of work finished or more, then the person or company paying you will save money by paying you more.


There are 2 ways.

You could be so efficient that they can pay you the same or more for you working less hours.

Or, you may work the same amount of hours, but replace another worker, combined 2 workers into 1 saves a company a lot of money since they don’t have to pay as much in benefits and other costs per employee.

Way #2 Create a Schedule of Your Public and Private Life

The second way To Increase The Value of Your Time is to create a schedule for your public and private life.

For me that used to be not taking my cell phone with me and then no one could contact me by phone.

Now it’s becoming more structured and adding more value to my business.

A good example is my accountant.

She has a calendar where you can book different services with her.

Some are free, for new client consultations and for tax document drop off or picking up.

Some you pay per hour and that’s for Tax advice.

It’s very clear to her clients on her calendar, and it will keep her time more valuable.

I suggest creating a similar calendar so that people know if they want your services how to reach you and at what time.

I only meet with my mastermind at a certain time, I do my marketing at a certain time.

Sunday is always my day off from working – and that includes being a homemaker which is my main occupation.

So on Sundays I don’t watch our son Jordan, I don’t do housework and I don’t work with clients or discuss business.

Additionally, I wake up at 5:15am every morning for my meditation and time to plan my day, do energy healing exercises and so on.

Way #3 Eliminate Time Wasting Activities

The third way To Increase The Value of Your Time is to eliminate time wasting activities.

These would be watching tv or streaming shows, eating food because you are stressed or distracted, you probably know what it is that you do to waste time.

I don’t have television so that’s how I eliminated that distraction.

I meditate every day in the morning and at night, which helps me eliminate emotional distractions, or thoughts that cause compulsive behaviors.

Use your own methods that work for you!

Way #4 Charge More For Your Services

The fourth way To Increase The Value of Your Time is to charge more for your time.

You will probably lose some clients but the rest of your clients will pay you more (if you are offering more value) and so you will be making more per hour.

It is important to re-evaluate the value of your services and adjust your pricing.

Maybe do this on an annual basis.

Way #5 Plan Out Your Ideal Day

The fifth way To Increase The Value of Your Time is to actually plan out your ideal day.

I notice that some people want financial freedom, but they have no idea what they would do with their time once they achieved it.

Once you think it and plan it you can create it.

Start be writing out what you would do on your ideal day…by the minute!


I’ve used all 5 ways to increase the value of my time.

Let me know if you have other ways that you use to increase the value of your time in the comments below!

I’ve noticed that some of the people I know are always to busy to have fun, and we tend to help people enjoy themselves.

We invite our friends out surfing and swimming and playing in the sand at Waikiki.

I was surfing yesterday for an hour. It was DIVINE.

I want you to feel what it’s like to increase the value of your time too.

Maybe I’ll see you on the beach someday =)

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