5 Ways to Go From Financial Desperation to Financial Inspiration

5 Ways to Go From Financial Desperation to Financial Inspiration

Want to know 5 Ways to Go From Financial Desperation to Financial Inspiration?

Let’s begin.

If you are thinking of finding money by searching online in the middle of the night for opportunities…

Or if you are going to hit the casinos to make rent…

Or if you think you need to start day trading to save up for a down payment on your first home…

Well, then you are in financial desperation.

You are trying to make money by whim, by blind luck, with no experience.

Now, I’m not saying you can’t make money, but the fact that you are hoping to make money right now shows your desperate.

Desperation leads to you losing even more money…so let’s get you into Inspiration instead.

Inspiration means that you are in a state of flow, that you are taking the right steps to increase money in your life permanently.

People are inclined to go their money to you and find value from what you provide to them in goods or services.

Let’s get you to Inspiration!

Way #1 Prioritize Yourself

Money will leave you because you are not investing in yourself.

What this means is put money aside in a savings or investment account and leave it there to grow and/or produce investment income for you.

Pay yourself first, before your bills, before you invest in that stock tip from your neighbor, before you buy another coffee.

Other people have to wait in line.

Way #2 Practice Gratitude

You really do have something to be grateful for right now.

If you are having money difficulties, think about your family.

Are you happy together?

Is everyone healthy?

Do you have a place to live with food and water?

Are you breathing?

You can find something to be grateful for.

The reason that you feel desperation is because you’ve stopped feeling grateful for what you have.

Way #3 Focus on Joy

Go do something that makes you feel joy.

When I was doing poorly with money, I still had time to go surfing.

I really loved surfing (I just went before I wrote this blog this morning).

I’m sure there is something that brings you joy.

Reconnect with that.

Do something you love.

This will change your emotional state and allow opportunities to flow to you.

Way #4 Be Productive Not Reactive – Do Something Different To Improve Your Finances

If you are having financial difficulties because you have trouble paying your credit card bills then switch to cash payments only and cut up the cards.

If you have lost track of who is debiting your credit card or bank account, then change your credit card number or bank account number to stop all automatic debits and reassess which ones are really important to you.

If you can’t afford your rent then get someone to split the rent, renegotiate your rent or move into a cheaper place.

If you are not making enough at your job then improve how you perform or get a new job.

Get a side gig like bite squat, uber or instacart.

Cut out expenses that aren’t necessary.

If you have children in school talk to the school counselor and ask for financial help and resources for parents.

Way #5 Slow Down, Meditate, Reflect

Honestly, inspiration and guidance is always within us.

We know in our hearts what is right for us.

Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in things, other people’s opinions and situations.

If you take time out to just be quiet, sit still, close your eyes and reflect or meditate, your inner guidance will tell you what to do.

Everyone’s situation is unique.

Usually difficulties stem from not taking the time to love yourself and value yourself.

Once you take care of yourself, you will find that the rest of your life will start to flow.

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