5 Ways To Find Your True Purpose
In this blog I will share with you 5 Ways to Find Your True Purpose.
Some of my mastermind members want financial freedom, however, they are not sure what their true purpose is and what they would do with their time when they are financially free.
It is a valuable question to ask ourselves – “What is my true purpose?”
“Am I living a life doing what I am destined to do?”
If you aren’t, then follow the 5 ways to find your true purpose that I share below, and start living your destiny!
#1 Find Your True Purpose Through The Process of Elimination
Have you ever seen the movie Yes Man with Jim Carrey? In that movie, he has to say Yes to whatever anyone asks him to do, whether he wants to do it or not.
He ends up doing so many new experiences that his life expands and thrives.
If you don’t know what your True Purpose is, then maybe you haven’t gone out and experience enough.
If what you are doing now isn’t it, then stop doing it and do something different.
If that isn’t it, then do another thing.
Through this process, you will eliminate what you know truly is not your true purpose.
For example, when I started out, I was an English as a Second Language Teacher. Even though I was good at it, I didn’t feel like I was living on purpose.
I studied linguistics, and realized that I wasn’t doing my True Purpose.
So I changed and started working at a bank as an analyst, and that wasn’t it either.
I then moved into sales, and was getting closer, however I knew I didn’t want to stay at the bank.
Then I started internet marketing, and like that, however realized I needed more sales training.
I finally came to realize that I like investing and making money, and that I could coach others on how to do that.
I also got married and gave birth to my son, and realized that I wanted to spend most of my time being a mommy and a wife.
I also realized that I love spas, hot tubs, fancy resorts and living in Hawaii.
What will your experiences tell you?
What you love will be your true purpose.
#2 Find Your True Purpose By Listing What You Love To Do
A personal development coach once told me to list 5 things that I love to do so much that I forget the time when I’m doing it.
After listing them, I can discuss with a group of friends ways to find a job or career where I can do those 5 things all the time.
What you love to do is an indicator of your True Purpose.
#3 Find Your True Purpose By Seeing What Upsets You
In the book learn our heart virtue to be who we are by Greg Mooers, he has a method for us to find out what our heart virtue is.
This heart virtue is unique to each person, however, it will indicate what moves us, what drives our lives.
For Martin Luther King Jr it was Equality.
For Mother Theresa it was Compassion.
To find out what our heart virtue is, we need to think back to times in our life where something happened and we got really really upset or angry.
What really pisses us off is usually someone or an event that violates our heart virtue.
#4 Find Your True Purpose By Analyzing Who You Admire and What Inspires You
You can also find out your heart virtue by thinking of who inspires you.
What is it about that person that you admire the most?
Find out the traits you admire and these will indicate the traits that mean the most to you.
Also, you can also think of times when you were truly inspired, what happened?
Why were you inspired, what qualities were present that moved you?
That will also indicate what our heart virtue would be.
If you can figure out what your heart virtue is, then you can find ways to incorporate that heart virtue into your daily activities, and then live on purpose.
#5 Find Your True Purpose By Doing The Hedgehog Exercise
In the book Resolved by Orrin Woodward, there is an exercise in his chapter called Purpose. He takes it from Jim Collins book Good to Great, and it’s called a Hedgehog Concept.
What you do is answer 3 questions:
1. What can you be the best in the world at (and, equally important, what you cannot be the best in the world at)?
2. What drives your economic engine?
3. What are you deeply passionate about?
Draw 3 circles that overlap.
Each circle has the answers to 1 of the questions above (hence you have a Passion circle, a Potential circle, and a Profits circle).
Find where answers that are in all three circles and you find your true purpose.
In other words, you want to find something that you are great at, that you make money doing, and that you are also truly passionate about.
I hope you found your True Purpose, after going through the exercises in this blog.
Sometimes it just takes experience and time, to finally find what you truly love to do, and what brings fulfillment to your life.
I’ve done all of these exercises to get to where I am today.
I finally feel like I really am living my True Purpose, and it is liberating.
I wish you luck, and if you have other ways to Find Your True Purpose, please leave them in the comments!
About Mey and Finance Freedom Mastermind
Back in 2011 I had over $30,000 in credit card and line of credit debt, was living paycheck to paycheck and was stressed out over my lack of success in my financial life.
In April of 2016, I became debt free and had a monthly passive income stream. I quit my job on December 23, 2016, and started doing my dream work of mentoring others on what I did to create the freedom to quit my job.
In 2017 we bought our first condo in Waikiki, and we went on 5 weeks of vacation (including a 7 day cruise to the Mexican Riviera)!!!
I spend most of my time doing what I dreamed of for years, spending my days with my son Jordan and my husband Jomel, enjoying motherhood and being a wife. I also enjoy researching Financial Freedom and sharing what I learn with my clients and on my blog.
If you want to learn more about how I can help take back control of your money and your time, then CLICK HERE, watch the free video and get started!
2 Replies to “5 Ways To Find Your True Purpose”
It just feels a lot better when you do what you love. I always enjoy hearing your story.
Thanks Alecia. Finding our true purpose, and then living it is definitely a way to love our life! Thanks for the comment!