5 Ways to Design The Lifestyle You Desire

5 Ways to Design The Lifestyle You Desire

I’m going to give you 5 Ways to Design The Lifestyle You Desire.

A lot of people talk about what they want, but how many actually take action and make it their reality?

When I worked at my bank job, I wanted to stop working such long hours and spend more time with my son, exercise, surf, relax more!

So I changed my lifestyle and did it!

I’m going to share with you what I did, so you can do it too!

Here are 5 Ways I’ve Designed the Lifestyle I desire.

Way #1 Write Out What You Want From When You Wake Up To When You Sleep

I’m not going to lie, this takes a lot of time, and if you do it from minute to minute, may even seem a bit overboard…but it was recommended to me by people much younger with much more money than me!

So go ahead and write down the time you want to wake up in your ideal lifestyle, what you will be doing, what your bed will look and feel like, etc.

The more detail the better.

All the way to when you go to sleep!

The key is in the details!

I did it.

My rich friend did it.

Way #2 Write Out Why You Want This Lifestyle

Write out why you want this new lifestyle.

Write it until you feel it…until it makes you cry.

Write out what will be different, how it will make you feel.

Why does it matter to you?

If you know your why, the how will come.

Way #3 Visualize Your Ideal Lifestyle Everyday

“What you visualize you materialize” – The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.

Now that you’ve written out your ideal lifestyle and why you love it so much, take the time everyday to imagine or visualize it in your mind.

See it in your mind, that you are doing everything that you want to be doing.

Feel how you will be feeling while you do it.

Way #4 Schedule What You Can Do Right Now

Can you do some of the things in your ideal lifestyle right now?

Well, are you doing them?

If not, go ahead and schedule them in and do them!

This may sound obvious and simple, but I suffered this at one point.

I realized that I wanted to surf everyday in my ideal lifestyle.

At the time I realized this, I already had a surf board, and I lived in Hawaii already.

I decided to wake up early everyday and go surf for 30 minutes before I went to my bank job.

I decided quickly and right away the next day I was living part of my dream lifestyle.

It didn’t cost me any money.

It was just a matter of scheduling it in and doing it!

What can you do right now to start living your ideal lifestyle?

Do it and you’ll be living it!

Way #5 Price Out The Rest of What You Want To Do

Whatever else you want to do, price it out.

Plan it out.

When you see the cost of things, they suddenly become more real.

Plans start to form on how to make it happen.

You start to create a way to afford your dream lifestyle!


I hope you enjoyed this post on 5 ways to design the lifestyle you desire.

Follow them and see yourself change your life, sometimes overnight!

Trust me, you’ll enjoy your new life =)

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