5 Ways to Become Financially Free When You Don’t Get Paid to Work – Unpaid Work

5 Ways to Become Financially Free When You Don’t Get Paid to Work – Unpaid Work

Let’s discuss 5 ways to become financially free when you don’t get paid to work – unpaid work like housekeeping, childcare, care of the sick, cooking, cleaning, social networking with family and friends by writing cards, sending letters, e-mails, posting photos and stories on social media…etc.

I would like to ask you, do you get paid for the work you do?

Did you know that countries only started measuring unpaid work about 20 years ago?

I bet you can guess what they found!

In every country all over the world women do more unpaid work than men.

In the United States women do 2 hours more on average than men.

Fascinating but maybe not surprising to you?

Unpaid work is probably more important to the wealth, happiness and unity of a family, community or a country than any other measure studied.

Let’s really dive in to the main issues, and show 5 ways you can become financially free even if you don’t get paid for the work you do!

#1 Learn How To Become Financially Free and Write a Goal of When You Want to Achieve it

The first way to become financially free is to learn about how to become financially free and commit to a date when you are enjoying your financial freedom.

You can go through my blog for many articles on how to become financially free, however, in brief it is this process:

  1. Set aside at least 10% of all money you make for yourself, and for investing. (I understand that if you are not getting paid for your work, you don’t have money for yourself, and we will get into that soon)
  2. Invest your money to create passive income
  3. When your passive income is equal to your expenses, you are financially free

So, that’s the basic steps.

Don’t worry about how to do that right now.

It’s time for you to make a commitment.

Figure out how much you spend on expenses (rent, food, electricity, phone, water, clothes, school, insurance, etc), and that is the amount of passive income you need to be financially free.

So write a sentence commiting to when you will be making that amount of passive income per month.

For example: On or before January 1st, 2021 I am making $3,000 or more per month in passive income that I use to cover my expenses.

#2 Negotiate to Get Paid for Unpaid Work or Get a Fiduciary Advisor or other Third Party Professional to help you Get Paid for Unpaid Work

#3 Lift Your Belief in Your Value and Your Right To Be Paid for Unpaid Work

#4 Renegotiate to Reduce Unpaid Work and Increase Paid Work

#5 Get Help and Support From Financial Freedom Masterminds

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