5 Tactics To Create Financial Freedom From a Board Game

5 Tactics To Create Financial Freedom From a Board Game

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_JU2UkxlQk[/embedyt]

Today I want to introduce 5 Tactics To Create Financial Freedom From a Board Game – namely Cash Flow.

I just played Cash Flow with my 8 year old son Jordan yesterday and he won all on his own for the 1st time…he was so happy.

And the game got me thinking about how to apply the same tactics to my life to become financially free.

Here are 5 Tactics That I’ve seen work in the Hundreds of times I have played the game.

NOTE – To get out of the rat race in the game, you must get your Cashflow (passive income) higher than your expenses.

Tactic #1 Invest In Real Estate to Create Passive Income

The first tactic of the game is to buy 2/1 condos and starter homes, and then create passive income with these homes. They have a high ROI and they get you enough passive income to get out of the rat race if you get between 3 to 7 of them depending on your expenses.

Tactic #2 Avoid Low ROIs of 10% or Lower to Create Passive Income

In the game you always turn down the growth funds and the CDs as passive income investments. They have ROIs of 10% or less. The funny thing I’ve noticed is that in my real life I have been investing in these types of stocks, and I’ve started to take.

Tactic #3 Paying off Debt to Make Expenses Lower Than Passive Income

The 3rd tactic to become financially free is to keep our expenses low. Then you just need a few smaller deals to get out of the game. If you end up with a lot of cash in the game, sometimes paying off some or all of your debts will win the game – such as your bank loans, retail debt, credit cards, car loans, school loans and mortgage.

Tactic #4 Sell Real Estate to Get Enough Money to Invest in a Big Deal

This tactic is to buy real estate low, even when it is losing money! Then just wait until the market is up and sell it to get a big gain. With that cash, go out and invest in a big deal, like an 8-plex, a business like a car wash, or an apartment building.

Tactic #5 Buy Stock Low and Sell High to Get Enough Money to Invest in a Big Deal

That last tactic is to buy stock low and sell high, and take your earnings and use them to invest in a big deal, that makes you lots of passive income.


In my life right now I have several options I have been doing that have been showing results, and the best one so far has been buying real estate for passive income and also to sell it to buy better real estate.
I have also been doing the opposite of Tactic #2, which is buying passive income investments with an ROI of around 10% and I’m finally realizing that this in NOT the way to become financially free in the game or even in my life.

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