5 Ninja Tricks to Live a Fulfilling Life

5 Ninja Tricks to Live a Fulfilling Life

#1 Ninja Trick to Live a Fulfilled Life – Figure out and live by your Core Human Needs

What are the Six Core Human Needs according to Anthony Robbins then? The six core human needs are certainty, variety, significance, love and connection, growth and contribution. The first four needs are defined as needs of the personality and the last two are identified as needs of the spirit.

So which 2 needs are most important to you?

Be sure to do something that fulfills those 2 needs!

#2 Ninja Trick to Live a Fulfilled Life – Figure out Your Core Values

Dr. John DeMartini has questions you can answer to figure out your core values.

Once you figure out your core values, you can figure out what makes you truly fulfilled.

CLICK HERE to go through the values determination process on his website.



#3 Ninja Trick to Live a Fulfilled Life – If you could do anything in the world, and money was no object, what would you do?

Answer the question.

If you are afraid, write it down and don’t show it to anyone and take a small step towards it.

If you want to be a famous singer, then maybe practice singing or take voice lessons.

#4 Ninja Trick to Live a Fulfilled Life – What Makes You Happy, and You are Skilled At, and Makes Money

This trick is called the Hedgehog Exercise and is found in Orrin Woodward’s book Resolved – 13 Resolutions for LIFE.

CLICK HERE and scroll down to #5 and do the exercise to find your true life’s purpose.

#5 Ninja Trick to Live a Fulfilled Life – If you were going to Die Today, Would You Regret You Never Did Something?

This question is simple, but transformative.

You see, when I answered it the answer was to spend time with my family – hence, I quit my job and spend more time with my family.

My business is also part time for that reason.

Because I know that family is important to me.

What is important to you, that you need to do before you die?

Get it done!

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