5 Money Hang Ups You Need To Get Over for Financial Freedom

5 Money Hang Ups You Need To Get Over for Financial Freedom

There are 5 Money Hang Ups You Need To Get Over for Financial Freedom.

Hang-ups are like buttons that people press that upset you. Or another word is Pet Peeves, where you always get mad about something. Or another word for it are boundaries, that if you cross in certain people they blow their top, etc.

These are extremely important and often overlooked.

We tend to focus on our Net Worth, or our Passive Income, or the income we make from our business or our jobs.

We fall into the trap of looking at money and only money, when there are more important root causes of the flow of money and abundance in our lives.

#1 Money Hang Up – I need to work to make money.

Did you know that you can make money without working? Did you know that’s what you want to achieve if you want to be financially free?

Did you know that you need to be happy to see others who make money without working too?

If you are angry, resentful or envy people who have money without working then how are you going to feel about yourself when you become financially free?

This is a key point that most people just don’t get.

They will get upset if they see their kids, parents, or friends not working. In their minds, people who don’t work are lazy or spoiled.

If you want to be Financially Free, then in your mind, you need to know that you don’t need to work to make money.

#2 Money Hang Up – I need to make money when I work

This is another hang up about money that gets a lot of people.

They feel that if they are not at their job, then they don’t have to work.

You get a lot of workers who come home from a job and just lay around the house. They let their spouse do the housework and cooking and cleaning.

They might even be demanding about what their spouse is cooking, or take over the television.

They don’t believe in working for anything other than money.

They do not volunteer, or have personal projects.

If their work requires exercise then they won’t exercise if they are not getting paid, leading to severe health problems when they retire.

To be Financially Free does not mean you don’t work. It just means you don’t have to work to get money. You know many people who work but don’t get paid for what they do right?

The whole point of becoming Financially Free is that you choose whether to work or play, how you want to do both.

Work is a noble thing, and enjoy it whether you make money or not!

#3 Money Hang Up – I need money to make money

If you have a child then you know that you don’t need money to make money. You being alive is valuable.

Let me give you an example. As soon as I got pregnant people started arranging a baby shower. When I gave birth money and gifts rolled in. My son has a birthday and money and gifts roll in.

You get the picture?

I live in Waikiki where we have homeless people and they make money by recycling bottles and cans, by asking for it, finding it, people and services giving it.

You don’t need to have money to make money.

However, you do need some knowledge to make money work for you once it comes into your life.

#4 Money Hang Up – I can’t save or invest money because I don’t have enough to pay my bills.

I used to have this money hang up. In order to become Financially Free you need to make a HABIT of saving and investing for your Financial Freedom first, before paying anyone else anything.

This might seem selfish to you but it’s not.

If you don’t take care of your financial business, then you end up being a burden on others who have to take care of you.

So take care of yourself, and be a champion of your life.

Then you’ll be a role model, and inspiration.

So, back to the main point, what if you have a lot of bills and you really do not have enough money to pay them all?

Start by saving something every day. I started by putting a dime in a plastic jar labeled Financial Freedom everyday.

You can afford a dime a day yes?

It’s the habit that’s important, watch and you’ll see.

#5 Money Hang Up – I can’t have or enjoy my life or money when others are suffering.

Ha ha ha, this is a good one that is so silly and yet it’s so powerful that it disables people from Financial Freedom all the time!

I’m going to share with you a little secret. You are a very powerful person and you create your life’s experiences.

I’ll give you an example.

I wanted to learn how to read when I was a kid. So I studied and I practiced and I learned how to read.

I chose my life’s experience.

Sometimes things happen to us and we feel like we are powerless, but we have the power to choose how to react and how to go forward.

So, we are powerful and we create our life experiences.

Therefore, we have to power to create a rich and wealthy and happy life, or the power to create a poor and impoverished and unhappy life.

We choose this.

I didn’t believe this at first, but at one point in my life I was so unhappy, and in debt and I realized that I created it.

I also realized I could change it and I did.

I learned a lot from my time when I was down. It made me humble, it taught me to appreciate others in whatever circumstances they’ve chosen to live.

I realized that we need to give each other the freedom to live as we desire (as long as we are not hurting others).

That means I have the freedom to be healthy, happy and wealthy.

There is always going to be people happy and there’s always going to be people who choose to suffer.

If I’m in a bad mood am I going to stop children at a playground from laughing and playing?

Of course not.

You need to take leadership of yourself and be what you want.

Own it =)


These 5 money hang ups are real and I could go on but these are enough to work on yes?

I just had a breakthrough on #2 the other day and it was like my whole life changed. Each one of these has multiple layers that you will understand as you become Financially free.

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