5 Keys to Be Free From Yourself and Create True Financial Freedom

5 Keys to Be Free From Yourself and Create True Financial Freedom

“Do you seek how to make yourself free, or how to be free from yourself?” -Michael Bernard Beckwith

If you’re focused on Financial Freedom, you might be surprised to find out that in order to get what you want, you need to be free from yourself first!

After all, you are the one who made your life the way it is right now.

So how do you do that?

How do you get free from yourself?

In this blog, I’m going over the 5 Keys to be Free From Yourself and Create True Financial Freedom.

These are keys that I used to turn my life around when I had over $20,000 of debt and no money to my name.

Now I have no debt, passive income and a six figure net worth…but most importantly, I live my dream as a stay-at-home mom and part time finance freedom coach.

Key #1 – Follow Your Emotions – Do What Makes You Happy

When I was down, it was hard for me to figure out how to get out of the mess I made for myself.

My guiding light was to follow my happiness.

I realized if I just focused on doing what made me happy, I would know what to do.

I remember wanting to learn scuba diving, and I ended up winning a silent auction for a 4 hour lesson for only $35!!!

Think about what would make you super happy today, and do that!

Key #2 – Practice Gratitude Daily

Want to attract wealth like a magnet?

Want to get out of your head and your old thinking?

Practice gratitude.

Gratitude brings joy, brings love, brings a greater perspective on where you are at right now!

I used to practice gratitude daily, by logging into a website called Gratitude Log. That website no longer exists, but you can still practice gratitude everyday =)

Key #3 – Surround Yourself With People You Want To Be Like

When I was working in the bank and looking for a way out of my financial mess, I started listening to books while I was at my desk.

I wanted to learn from successful people who had created great wealth and financial freedom for themselves.

I listened to books like T Harv Eker’s Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason, and many many many more.

I soaked up talks given by millionaires and learned how they thought and what they looked for when they are saving and investing.

Surround yourself with people you want to be like, and you will become like them.

Key #4 – Practice Affirmations

I went to the Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar and I learned how to say affirmations about wealth and money.

These are just statements that you say instead of the old thoughts that are running through your head.

For example “I am a money magnet!” or “I’m financially free.”

You can create your own affirmations or take them from others. CLICK HERE for a blog post I did with 643 affirmations!

Key #5 – Use Guided Meditations

I used guided meditations before bed, after I worked out in the morning and also listened to them on a loop while I slept at night.

I figured if I had to reprogram my thoughts, I better do it as much as possible.

You can find guided meditations on youtube, or purchase them. CLICK HERE for some that I put together in a blog post for you.


I learned to free myself from my limiting thoughts and beliefs.

Then my actions changed and so did my life.

Use these 5 keys to be free from yourself, and create Financial Freedom in your life!

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