5 Keys That All Financial Success Gurus Teach You

5 Keys That All Financial Success Gurus Teach You

Key #1 Pay Yourself First

This is a key that you will learn from all of the financial gurus, your financial advisors, literally all of them.

If you master this one key, you are set!

So, what does it mean?

It means every time you get money, take at least 10% of it and put it into a financial freedom account (investment account).

This money is for you…not to spend, put to invest in your financial freedom.

So you never spend what you deposit, but you can spend the profits or income that it makes you.

There is also a spiritual reason to pay yourself first.

You are showing yourself and God or the Universe that when money comes, you will take good care of it and use it for yourself.

So now, you, God, the Universe and other people know that if they want to help you, sending more money your way will actually really help you.

Key #2 Track Your Finances

What is your Net Worth?

Have you done your Income Statement to understand your Cash Flow?

Most financial success gurus will have you calculate your Net Worth on a Balance Sheet and figure out your Cash Flow in an Income Statement.

If you find the idea revolting or you have actually no idea where to start, then that’s a sign showing you why your finances are where they are.

It’s not hard but it takes a little time to do.

Financial Success Gurus will have you calculate your financial numbers.

Key #3 Create Passive Income

Robert Kiyosaki and T Harv Eker helped me understand the value of passive income.

The only way to create true freedom is to have income you make that does not require your time (passive income).

Do you want to understand what passive income is?

You will still have it coming in while you sleep, while you are on vacation, and when you die it will be passed on to your children or to your foundation, etc.

That is the key to wealth, becoming rich and financial freedom.

If you have no idea how to create Passive Income, then I recommend you CLICK HERE and take the 7 Day Passive Income Challenge.

Key #4 Create a Plan

Do you have a written plan on how to create financial security?

How about how to be financially comfortable?

What about how to be rich?

Financial Success Gurus will have you create a plan, in writing, and execute your plan.

They will recommend you get advice from your accountant, lawyer and fiduciary advisor.

They will recommend you create a team to support you.

Key #5 Find Your Self Worth

This to me is the most important key.

I once did a mental exercise where I removed a mental block and then one month later I was in escrow for our first property.

We have thoughts in our head that have brought us to where we are today.

Changing those thoughts NOW is the only way to change our present and our future.

Financial Success Gurus have mental exercises to uncover your thoughts about wealth, money and success.

They help you identify limiting beliefs and over write them.

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