5 Keys For Homemakers To Create Financial Freedom
1) Be committed to being financially free
How do you commit to Financial Freedom?
You decide that you are going to become Financially Free and then you take the actions to become Financially Free.
Once you decide, the actions become easier.
You focus on creating Passive Income, and then you grow it.
The key to Financial Freedom is your Passive Income must be greater than or equal to your Expenses.
Fortunately now is a great time to create passive income. Treasury Bonds and high yield savings accounts are yielding over 4%, high quality stocks are getting cheaper and cheaper everyday, there are projections that housing prices are going to tank next year. So now is the perfect time to start accumulating cash and looking for the right investments.
2) Be committed to being a great homemaker
This is so important, and I cannot stress it enough. When I became a homemaker it was not an easy decision at all. I had a job at a local bank that had great benefits, but I decided to go with my gut and quit so that I could raise our son, cook healthier meals, keep a clean and loving home.
The results have been amazing but it wasn’t easy when my husband Jomel decided to pursue a career in government and took a paycut of 50%. Luckily I had been working on investing in property and also in preferred stocks so we have enough extra income to handle it. However, I have been tempted to get a job to make money faster, and then I recommit to being a great homemaker.
3) Give yourself daily pep talks and me time
It’s important to give yourself daily pep talks and me time, so that you can recharge and be fully present and happy. Saying to myself that I am valuable, I am worthy, I am a great Mom, I love my husband, I love my life…and so on, really helps. Especially if I feel like I’m in a rut, or start complaining about cleaning up after my husband.
As a homemaker getting me time may seem impossible, especially when your kids are young and not in school. I arrange for a time during the week when family helps me so that I have time to myself.
I also wake up early in the morning so I have time to meditate and reconnect with myself and God.
4) Communicate effectively with your family
As a Homemaker it’s important to communicate effectively with my family.
That means no blame or shame, just talking about solutions to daily problems.
5) Be true to yourself and your feelings
I don’t know how many times I’ve gotten frustrated or angry these last two weeks. The key is to be true to your feelings. If you feel angry then it’s ok. Admit it and take some time to figure out what is behind the anger.
Sometimes you are just tired and overworked, and all you need is a nap.
Sometimes, there is an issue you need to address. Maybe your husband or son are not cleaning up after themselves and all you need to do is teach them how to clean up, or just accept the fact that they are not going to clean up.