5 Financial Solutions You’ve Never Heard Of

5 Financial Solutions You’ve Never Heard Of

Today I’m sharing with you 5 Financial Solutions You’ve Never Heard Of.

#1 Spend Time and Energy to Love Yourself

The biggest financial trouble I got myself into was giving money away, overspending and not having a plan for my financial success.

This was all caused by me not taking the time and energy to love myself.

I let other people tell me what to do, and I did not honor my own feelings, wants and needs.

Because of that, I got into a lot of debt along with a lot of other financial difficulties, which took me years to get out of.

I gave money away to others that I needed for myself.

I let others take money away from me, thinking they were more important or powerful than I was.

However, when I started practicing loving myself, I started seeing better financial results.

When I realized how important and valuable I was as a person, I started to value myself.

I lived in a better home, I ate better food, and associated with people who I could grow with and who also honored and loved themselves.

This basic principle of taking the time to love yourself will solve so many of your financial issues, it may astound you.

The cure for me was to use affirmations like “I love and accept myself exactly as I am.”

I still do similar affirmations to this day, and constantly practice self love.

#2 Spend Time and Energy to Love Your Spouse

The top financial problem for many people is divorce.

It’s complicated, expensive and can lead to depression or other negative emotional states and health issues.

The solution is to spend time and energy loving your spouse.

Prioritize your spouse.

Be sure date night trumps all other activities.

Set aside money for the babysitters and the activities you plan to do.

Put birthdays, anniversaries and special events in your calendar and prioritize them.

Spice it up, go on adventure dates, go on a second honeymoon, go on breakfast or lunch dates, go to seminars together, be creative.

When you have a strong, loving relationship with your spouse, everything else in your life works.

#3 Spend Time and Energy to Love Your Parents

Many people have problems of taking care of sick or aging parents, or inheritance disputes or just issues with money relating to your parents.

Let’s face it, if we have a heart, our parents are our responsibility, just like we are theirs.

If you have a strong relationship with your parents, your life feels whole and complete.

A huge financial burden for many is to take care of aging parents, or dealing with unresolved issues with your parents.

Obviously everyone has different family situations.

Only you in your heart knows what needs to be mended with which parents.

For me personally, my father lives in Taiwan and likes to communicate through e-mail.

My Mom lives here in Hawaii and likes to see her grandson once a week and also go out with me or our family to dinner or coffee.

I have a working relationship with my Mom, where we pay her to clean and help manage our AirBnB business.

These relationships that I developed with my parents took a lot of care, growing on both our parts.

I tell my parents I love them and they tell me too.

This is great as we are all happy as a family.

In addition, I know what my parent’s needs are, and I am prepared to help them or receive help from them if needed.

Lucky for me my parents are pretty healthy, eat right and exercise.

They are also both active, independent and have fulfilling lives.

It’s important to really take the time and energy to love your parents.

#4 Spend Time and Energy to Love Your Children

A lot of people think children are a financial burden but I am just the opposite in thinking.

Our son Jordan has brought so much wealth into his and our lives directly and indirectly.

Directly, he was gifted money when he was born, along with toys, clothes and other nice things.

He still gets money on his birthdays and on holidays.

I invest his money for him in a trust account as well as put money aside for him for future college or other expenses.

I know in my heart that as a mother, I am most fulfilled when I spend time listening to, mentoring and playing with Jordan.

I also let him listen to me, mentor me and play with me!

It’s a 2 sided relationship, where he’s taught me to laugh, have fun and enjoy playing!

He also has his own unique strengths that I don’t have, which I learn from as well!

Indirectly, I improved my finances and quit my job to be a better mother and role model for him.

I’m blessed that I followed my heart, and that I am a full time mother and homemaker.

For me, this brings me fulfillment, and no matter what happens, I am happy doing what I love.

Be sure to spend time and energy to truly love your children.

#5 Spend Time and Energy to Love Money

Some issues people have are living paycheck to paycheck, losing their home or car, not having enough money.

Many people with these issues complain about money, instead of taking the time to love and take care of it.

You may think this is just a cute trick, but to take time and energy to love money will solve these issues in your life.

If you complain or worry about something, are you helping the situation?

If you complain or worry about yourself, do you make yourself feel better?

Or is it the case that if you praise and have faith in yourself, that you actually feel good?

It’s the same with anything in your life.

Everything is energy, whether you believe it or not Einstein made his discovery of E = Mc2.

So, money is also a form of energy.

It flows better and will stick around you more if you spend time to love it.

What does that mean?

Speak words of gratitude and feel good about the money that you do have in your life.

Keep your cash stacked neatly in a nice and sturdy wallet where it will be protected.

Invest it so that it will grow.

Pay attention to it by keeping track of your Net Worth, Income and Expenses, and your Financial goals.

Spend it wisely with a purpose.

Talk about how good money has been to you in your life, after all you are reading this blog on a computer or a device that has an internet connection.

You are already pretty rich aren’t you?

You starting to get the idea?


Most people I know with money problems are not using the 5 solutions I have given above.

They end up complaining instead of praising.

They look for the bad instead of the good.

If you want your life to work financially then you need to spend the time and energy to make your life work where it truly matters the most.

My biggest money difficulties came from the #1 financial solution of taking time and energy to love myself.

I’m still a work in progress, but I’ve progressed from Negative 33,000 Net Worth, to almost $300,000 Net Worth.

I also changed from renting a run down 1 bedroom walk up apartment to owning with my husband a 2 bedroom apartment in a nice building in the best part of Waikiki.

I can personally attest to the strength of these 5 financial solutions.

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