5 Danger Signs That Signal For Help In Your Finances

5 Danger Signs That Signal For Help In Your Finances

…Mey here on a breezy Tuesday morning blogging about the 5 Danger Signs That Signal For Help In Your Finances

…so, I used to be in a very dangerous place when it came to my finances…

…and I didn’t realize that I could ask for help…

…so in this post I share with you the 5 Danger Signs and also how you can get the help that you need…

#1 You Have Credit Card Debt

…this is something that most wealthy people that I work with do not have…


…the interest rate on credit card debt is too high…

…so if you have credit card debt that you carry over month to month, then this is a sign that you need help with your finances…

…here is the help that I got from a friend of mine who was financially free:

1) Stop using your credit cards (cut them up if you have to).

2) Call the Credit Card Companies and ask for a lower rate.  Keep notes, record who you talked to, the date, the time, and what happened.

3) If they don’t give you a lower rate, ask for their supervisor and ask again.  Keep notes.

4) Keep asking until you get to the President of the company, and by then they will usually lower your rate.

5) Pay off the highest interest rate card faster, then move on to the next highest rate.

I used the method above and saved thousands of dollars, just from lowering my rate.

For one of my cards, I went all the way up to the President and faxed him a letter, detailing everyone I had talked to and what I was requesting, and I finally got a rate decrease…

Today, I have no credit card debt.

#2 You Are Not Saving Money

…if you are not saving money for yourself on a regular basis then you are setting yourself up to fail…

…all wealthy people that I know save money, whether it’s in a 401K, IRA or savings and other investments…

…they are saving money on a regular basis…

…if you are not saving money on a regular basis (everytime you get paid), then you need to start…

…open up a savings account today and set it up so that at least 10% of your income gets transferred there…

…if you don’t have enough money to open a savings account then do what I did in the beginning, put $.10 in a jar everyday…

…it’s the habit of saving that’s more important than how much…

…if you are not successful at doing this, then I suggest you get help…

…I recommend getting a financial advisor or financial planner to assist you…

#3 You Complain About Money

…if you are complaining about money then you are hurting your finances…

…what does complaining do?

…wastes your time, other people’s time, and drains your own energy…

…it also makes people who have money stay away from you…

…so opportunities for money don’t come your way…

…if you hear yourself complaining about money all the time, you need help…

…I suggest going to a seminar like the Millionaire Mind Intensive

…or reading books that will give you a wealthy mindset

…or saying money affirmations instead…

#4 You Make Little or No Money

…cashflow is important and if you have no cashflow then you aren’t going to be able to save…

…the most common way to start making money is to get a job…

…or you can start a business and sell something…

…either way, you need to go out there and start making money…

…remember this, the money you make equals the value that you give…

…so if it’s hard now for you to get a job, or sell something…

…that means you need to learn new skills so that you can give others value…

…most people know how to get help finding job counseling…

…or they will go to school or enter a program to learn something that people want…

…well, go out and get help…

#5 You Are Spending More Money Than You Make

…if you have a negative net worth that is becoming more negative every month then you need help…

…what this means is that you are spending more money than you are making…

…so you are getting more and more into debt…

…I used to have this issue and I got help…

…however, like most people, I got help after I couldn’t make my debt payments anymore…

…I got a mentor who taught me how to negotiate my debts so that I was at least paying what I was making, and then moved on from there…


…recognizing these danger signs can save you and put you back on track to being wealthy and financially free…

…most people don’t recognize that they need help!

…they justify their spending, even though it’s obvious to their friends and family that they are in trouble…

…just go through the five and see if that is you…

…then GET HELP!

P.S. I love blogging about Financial Freedom because I want you to become financially free…

…I started blogging just to make money online…

…and the more I learned about money and wealth, the more I realized that it makes me happy to help others become wealthier…

…if you want to learn about how to make money blogging and help others with your unique talents and skills, then CLICK HERE, watch the free video and get started!

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8 Replies to “5 Danger Signs That Signal For Help In Your Finances”

  1. Love how simple the signs are. I realize I and most of the people have chooses to ignore the signs.

    It’s good to become aware because it’s been deeply programmed into our minds that it is ok to spend, have cc debt, and spend rather than save.

    Great post Mey!

    1. Thanks for the comment Candice. Yes, it’s good to notice that and then reprogram our brains =)

  2. Those are powerful points you brought up Mey. It kind of makes you wonder why the percentage of people being rich isn’t any higher? Maybe because the ones that aren’t part of the less than 5% group choose to not pay attention to what you share. Great post!

    1. Thanks for the comment Andre…yes, I’m pretty sure these 5 signs would help a lot of people become financially free…

  3. You are a seriously gifted communicator. You put words around tough and sometimes uncomfortable ideas about money in SUCH a clear way. I am so glad that I found your work. I’ll be telling my clients to check you out, especially the ones with poverty consciousness 😉 Thank you. Zach

    1. Hi Zach, thanks for reading about the danger signs. I appreciate the kind words, and am glad that the ideas are clear. I hope they can help others that are in the same situation.