3 Techniques to Get Over Your Emotions And Become Financially Free

3 Techniques to Get Over Your Emotions And Become Financially Free

#1 Meditate – Pray – Get Centered – Relax

The first thing I do to get over my emotions is to calm myself down, and be in the present moment.

Usually if I’m all caught up in emotions, there is nothing actually happening to me in the physical world. What is bothering me are worries, fears or reality being different from my preconceptions.

I took a mediation class back in 2019, and also went to a meditation retreat in 2020 to learn how to calm myself down, listen to my breathing and allow myself space to connect with God on a conscious level.

The easiest thing to do is sit down in a quiet space, breath and listen to yourself breath.

Sit with an intention of having a awakening to your oneness with God, Spirit, the Universe.

If you stay still, you will be able to feel your emotions, see what is really causing them.

Usually it isn’t something outside, it’s some internal conflict inside myself that is causing the emotions.

#2 Focus on What You Want

It is important to focus on what you want, not what you don’t want.

For instance, when I started our AirBnB business, I knew the only way it would fail is if the government decided to tax us more.

Well, now that Hawaii is deliberating charging AirBnBs more fees, and also other actions to make us shut down, my fear may come true, or it may not.

I need to focus on what I want, not what I don’t want.

So instead I will focus on a business running smoothly, which supports everyone including our guests, our family, our neighbors, the community and the government.

Just writing that sentence made me feel so much lighter and free.

#3 Plan Your Finances With Emotional Safeguards

Automate Your Investments – I have automatic debits from my checking to my various accounts, including savings and investment accounts for my financial freedom.

That way I don’t put money in my accounts only when I feel like it.

The more you can automate your finances, the less they will be affected by your emotions.

Diversity Your Investments Over Time – Automated transfers also allow you to do dollar cost averaging, which means diversifying your investments over time.

Buying a little bit every so often at regular intervals means that you will buy when the market is low and high, thus copying the average market performance of a stock index (group of stocks).

I also invest in the All Seasons Portfolio – which is very clear cut. You invest at a certain percentage always in index funds, no matter if the bond or stock market tanks or goes up. You just follow the recipe.

It eliminates emotional bias from one stock to another, one industry to another, etc.

Practicing investing with paper trading (pretend trading) on a regular basis in our Security Analysis Mastermind allows me to learn the skills of buying deals, cutting losses and taking profits – which is a lot easier said than done. It also keeps me humble.

Regularly meeting with an investment group such as the Security Analysis Mastermind (CLICK HERE for details), can make a big difference in handling emotions and to becoming Financially Free.

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