3 Steps To Make More Money AND More Free Time

3 Steps To Make More Money AND More Free Time

I’m going to talk about 3 Steps To Make More Money AND More Free Time.

This is an interesting and important goal, as I see a lot of people feel that in order to make more money they must have less free time.

Well, I’m here to prove to you that it can be done, and in fact, it is the only way to become truly wealthy.

Step #1 Decide That You Want to Make More Money AND Have More Free Time

The first step I took was to decide that I wanted to have more money AND more free time at the same time.

I committed to it.

I made it a mission.

You must do the same before you can proceed.

Step #2 Believe That You Can Make More Money AND Have More Free Time

Next, I worked on believing that I could also make more money and have more free time.

The best way to do that is to meet people who actually have more money and more free time.

I started meeting people, like my husband, who had much more money than I did, but worked way less and slept and worked out way more.

As I noticed people like that, I began to realize that I could do the same thing too!

Look around for people who have time, to do what they love.

Maybe they are a happy grandparent, a stay at home Mom or Dad, and artist, a baker, or maybe a friend who just does whatever she likes.

Hang out with them, and believe that it can happen to you too.

Step #3 Follow the Make More Money AND Have More Free Time Plan

Now follow the plan the Make More Money AND Have More Free Time Plan.

For me, it started with paying myself first, at least 10% of everything I make, into an investment account.

I put 5% in a retirement account, and 5% in an investing account.

Now I put in about 50% of my money towards myself, 25% in a retirement account (Roth IRA that I invest in the ALL Seasons Portfolio) and 25% in investments.

I highly recommend you start this process.

If you don’t know how to invest your retirement money, then CLICK HERE to learn more about the All Seasons Portfolio recommended by Ray Dalio, watch the free video and get started.

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