3 Steps to Create Your Own Stimulus Payments

3 Steps to Create Your Own Stimulus Payments

Want to learn how to create your own stimulus payments?

Let me explain.

For the past 10 years or so I’ve been researching and investing in passive income investments.

So my family has a stream of passive income that comes in every month.

When COVID hit, it got cut in half, BUT, it was still coming in.

It was a financial buffer that gave us income when many people had lost theirs.

I’m writing this article to teach you how to create your own stimulus payments.

Step #1 Create Passive Income Streams

Create passive income streams. I have created passive income through savings interest and through stock dividends.

If you have no idea, you can start there.

If you need step by step instructions, then CLICK HERE and do the 7 Day Finance Freedom Challenge.

Step #2 Pay Yourself Your Passive Income

Now that you are making passive income, pay it to yourself. This is your stimulus payment.

Or you can pay it to an a separate savings account to accumulate for when you need it.

Step #3 Research and Create More Passive Income Streams

Research and create more passive income streams.

That way you can grow your passive income over time and when you need it, it will pay you just like a stimulus payment.


I’m blessed to live in the United States where we have stimulus payments to help us pay the bills during this time of COVID.

However, I also am blessed that our family has it’s own form of stimulus payments in the form of passive income.

When the lockdowns happened, our passive income was cut in half…BUT…it was still coming.

I knew that we would at least be able to feed ourselves and we would be alright.

It was our personal stimulus.

The great thing about it is that it comes all them time, in good times and in bad.

I recommend you start learning to create your own stimulus payments in the form of passive income!

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