3 Secrets to Wealth and Financial Freedom

3 Secrets to Wealth and Financial Freedom

Today I’m going to share with you 3 Secrets to Wealth and Financial Freedom.

I hope you use them to your benefit!

#1 Secret – You create wealth out of nothing

When I first heard this I thought it was ridiculous. Well, if I could create wealth out of nothing then how come I couldn’t just do it?!?

You’re probably thinking the same thing.

Well, the best way to explain it is to tell you some stories.

My son comes home almost everyday with a snack and milk that I didn’t give him. How does he get all this extra food for nothing? I asked him how he does it and here is my understanding of the student snack and food economy in 3rd grade.

So he has a couple of classmates who don’t like milk, and for some reason, school lunches always give milk even if the kid is not going to drink it. So he almost always gets milk from one of these classmates.

He eats his entire lunch, which is homemade and which I pack in containers. I usually give him chopped celery and cut fruit for snacks and fried rice for lunch. However, many parents do not pack homemade lunches for their kids. Most snacks are packaged, and hence they are tradable. Kids don’t trade their cheetos but apparently fig bars, milano cookies, ritz crackers, Quaker chocolate chip oat bars, breakfast bars and gummies are all up for giving away and trading.

I asked Jordan how he always comes home with something, sometimes 2 snacks, and he said that kids always give him something and he uses that to trade.

So there is an example of wealth that you create out of nothing.

It happens to me all the time. Yesterday I went to my Uncle’s house to pick up some ti leaves for Jomel’s Tahitian dance costume, and I ended up at his farm, coming home with ulu (breadfruit), pomelos, coconuts, bay leaves and flowers that we stir fried with eggs last night.

I’m organizing a trash and graffiti clean up for tomorrow morning by Jordan’s school, and I have free paint, free wire brushes, free trash bags, free gloves, free trash removal, free use of ladders, power drills, and 30 people freely coming to help. I could tell you how I got each part but you get the idea.

If you don’t believe me then maybe you should go out with an open mind, and see what happens to you today. Maybe you’ll start noticing how you also create wealth from nothing.

#2 Secret – Changing your thoughts about money will change your experiences with money

When I heard this I thought, that’s great! I can control my thoughts!

Well, there are thought changing methods that I used that worked wonders.

The first I learned were affirmations, which are just sentences about something you want to be true about you. You can say to yourself “I am so happy and grateful that I have multiple streams of passive income.” I used to yell my affirmations on my bike commute home from work everyday. I found that the more I say the same affirmations, the more I believe them to be true for myself. CLICK HERE for 643 Affirmations For Financial Freedom, Wealth, Abundance, Money and Prosperity.

The second I learned were making statements that your brain won’t dispute, like “I’m grateful for the wealth that I have right now.” I think T Harv Eker calls them declarations. If you say affirmations and you feel inside they are not true and never will be, then switch to saying statements that are actually true, but make you focus on being wealthy.

The third I learned was asking yourself empowering questions like “Why am I so smart with money?” or “How is it that I am so wealthy?”. When you ask yourself a question your brain automatically starts searching for an answer. You come up with reasons like that support you.

These are just some of the methods I use to change my thoughts about wealth, money and financial freedom.

#3 Secret – Gratitude is the Key to Wealth and Financial Freedom – not the How

I notice that when I feel down it’s because I’ve lost sight of what I am grateful for. There’s so much in life to be grateful for. If you are reading this then you have access to a computer or electronic device where you can read these words. That in itself is a miracle!

You are breathing air. I am so grateful I’m breathing air and it’s clean wonderful smelling air where I live in Waikiki.

I’m grateful that my knees are working well, and I can walk and jog and run and stretch and so many other things. I’m grateful that my shoulders work well and I can pick up and carry things.

I’m grateful my Mom lives nearby and we operate an AirBnB business together.

You try it.

Maybe your grateful for your kids, your spouse, hugs, kisses, or even a warm meal.

The more you practice, the more you’ll feel good, wealthy and happy. This will bring other good people and opportunities in your life that are good, wealthy and happy.

If you are stuck on how to make more money or how to become wealthy or how to become financially free…just STOP. Practice gratitude and let it go. The how will come to you naturally if you feel wealthy right now.


When I first learned these secrets to wealth and financial freedom I had my doubts but I still did them. The first about creating money from nothing you just have to believe and open yourself up to the possibility.

The second about changing your thoughts about money, go ahead and use affirmations, declarations, empowering questions and see how it works for you. It doesn’t cost anything so why not right?

The third on focusing on gratitude and not on how you are going to be wealthy will work wonders. See for yourself.

Share this with anyone you love that needs help with wealth and financial freedom!

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