3 Must-Read Books About The Science and Ancient Wisdom of Being Happy

3 Must-Read Books About The Science and Ancient Wisdom of Being Happy

…some people think that when they are financially free they will be happy…

…well, if you believe that, then you are suffering from one of the most common illusions of mankind…

…read this to find out how to find your elusive happiness now, before it’s too late…

  1. Happy For No Reason by Marci Shimoff

    …how about if you are just happy?

    …and there’s no reason why…

    …you are just happy =)

    …this book was amazing in teaching tecniques to realize happiness NOW…

    …it also shares them with really interesting stories from real people who are genuinely happy for no reason at all…

    …I found this book in an airport and finished reading it in a week…

    …I highly recommend it…

    …click below to find the book on Amazon…


  2. You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay

    …what is the one thing that causes every problem you have in your life?

    …it’s not money…

    …it’s the thought that “I’m not good enough”…

    …when in actuality, your are so valuable it is beyond words to describe it…

    …this book is like gold for the soul…

    …I read it and it brings me such joy…

    …Louise Hay also tells her story of how she used what she teaches to cure herself of cancer…

    …the book has beautiful passages with powerfully loving words to create a happiness mindset…


  3. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

    …did you know that there is an ancient toltec wisdom passed on to warriors that teaches them how to be truly free?

    …it is shared by Don Miguel Ruiz in the book The Four Agreements…

    …these agreements are like the four pillars that unlock someone from the “matrix” of our society and give them true freedom…

    …well, what are they?

    …they are to be impeccable with your word (keep your word), don’t take anything personally, don’t make assumptions and always do your best…

    …the book is excellent at story telling and explaining why following these principles will free up our minds to be what we were meant to be…


…did you know that you have something precious inside you that only you can share with the world?

…everyone of us is an amazing and magical person meant to bring tremendous value to this world…

…being quiet and hiding out is not serving the world…

…blogging is one of the most powerful ways to communicate and express your talents and what you have to offer to the world…

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