3 Most Informative Videos on Renting Vs Buying A Home

3 Most Informative Videos on Renting Vs Buying A Home

…they say that buying a home is most people’s biggest investment…

…well, if it’s such a big investment, then it’s probably good to research whether it makes sense for you…

…I may be buying my first real estate in the coming weeks so I looked on the internet for the most informative videos on buying vs renting your home…

  1. Renting versus buying a home

    …this video explains very thoroughly the difference between buying and renting…

    …and it also explains how it really depends on the situations and the values of the people…

    …I think renting also has another value that he didn’t mention, which is that when things break, you don’t have to fix them, the landlord does, so you have pretty predictable payments…

  2. Renting versus buying a home

    …this video is cool because it is very detailed as well, and shows what will happen if you sell your home after 10 years and buy a new one…

    …I thought the explanation was very clear and easy to understand…

  3. Renting versus buying a home

    …this video is by a very seasoned real estate agent / investor…

    …he talks about how for a lot of people it is better to rent than to buy your home…

    …he touches on the point that I mentioned earlier, that rents are fixed, and if you own a home, you may have to pay for very large unexpected repairs…

    …he mentions other factors as well, such as wanting to always fix up your home, which costs more money than maintaining a rental…

    …I like how he talks about his experience and what happens in reality…

    …you have to watch this!

…so what do you think?

…do you want to rent or buy?

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