3 Methods of Meditation

3 Methods of Meditation

Want to learn 3 Methods of Meditation?

I learned these from Agape International Spiritual Center, their meditation course called Meditation 2.0.

Method #1 Reading and Reflection

The first method of meditation is to read a passage and to reflect on it and it’s meaning in your life.

Books that were recommended by Reverand Michael Bernard Beckwith were The Inward Journey by Howard Thurman, The Voice of the Master by Eva Bell Werber, Meditation in Silence by Unity Books and This Thing Called You by Ernest Holmes.

See the Periscope demonstration here –


Method #2 Ask “Who Am I”

Method #2 of meditation is to sit with eyes closed and ask yourself questions like “Who am I?”, “What am I?”, “Where am I?”, “When am I?” and so on.

After asking a question, sit in silence and wait for the answer from spirit.

See the Periscope demonstration here –


Method #3 Meditate with an Intention of Having an Awakening that You Are One with the Spirit of God

Method #3 of meditation is to sit with your eyes closed, and have an intention of having an awakening that you are one with the spirit of God.

See the video demonstration on Facebook here –


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