3 Lessons I Learned From Joining Agape International Spiritual Center And Rev. Michael Beckwith

3 Lessons I Learned From Joining Agape International Spiritual Center And Rev. Michael Beckwith

…have you seen the movie The Secret?

…from that movie I was introduced to many amazing philosophers and role models, including Michael Beckwith…

…there was something about the way Rev. Michael spoke…

…it was not only the words he said it was the way that he said them, with true belief and clarity and compassion…

…I saw something that I didn’t understand at the time, however, I knew that I wanted to learn more…

…so then here’s my story about finally meeting Rev. Michael Beckwith…


  1. …I was later shown by someone that you could see Rev. Michael’s sermons online at http://www.agapelive.com…

    …though even with that knowledge I didn’t listen to them for a full 2+ years after…

    …about a half a year ago I was talking to my husband about how he used to go to church, and how I never did, and it occurred to me that I wanted to attend Rev. Michael’s sermons…

    …so all of the sudden I just googled it and here we were, watching Agape every Sunday…

    …I don’t know why it took me so long to finally start participating…

    …the sermons are free to watch on the internet, just like a church except you are not in the actual hall with everyone…

    …and then we visited Las Vegas and LA and on the first February service in 2015, we got to finally attend in person, and also meet Rev. Michael…

    …it became more real to me that day…

  2. …why is it that there was that calling in my heart and I didn’t listen to it until years later?

    …as I listen to Rev. Michael every Sunday, his message changes and uplifts my life…

    …he reminds me to think big, to live up to my fullest potential, and to realize the divinity and greatness in myself…

    …it is one of the most powerful things that I do every week…

    …and I have come to the conclusion that if I had watched i earlier, I wouldn’t have understood it or resonated with his message like I do now…

    …I watch it every Sunday, and sometimes also the Wednesday sermons…

    …and I enjoy them, look forward to them, appreciate them…

    …and I’ve never been a church goer all of my life…

  3. …so what is Rev. Michael like?

    …he is a happy going busy man who enjoys spreading his message of love, peace and joy…

    …he is a pretty easy going fun loving guy, just watch a sermon and you’ll know…

    …he is definitely blessed with a knowing and a beingness that calls many people to look up and enjoy their lives, and to know that they are living the best moments and the best life right now…

…if you liked this post then share it!

…someone might want to learn more about Agape and Rev. Michael Beckwith and this may be the article that introduces it to them!

Peace and Blessings =)

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2 Replies to “3 Lessons I Learned From Joining Agape International Spiritual Center And Rev. Michael Beckwith”

  1. I’m so happy for you, Mey. To find the spiritual path and an inspirational leader like Rev. Michael Beckwith brings such fulfillment. This reminds me about my experience in Hawaii – Big Island when me and my wife have experienced our spiritual awakening…
    Thank you so much for sharing this awesome post. Have a blessed day!

    1. Thanks for the comment Dragos. I will have to ask you about your Big Island experience when we meet.