3 Lessons I Learned From Enjoying Spas And Resorts

3 Lessons I Learned From Enjoying Spas And Resorts

…I learned a lot when I started going to spas and resorts with my friend Yoshiko…

…prior to that I never pampered myself, and was a workaholic…

…learning to relax and enjoy myself was probably one of the greatest lessons I’ve ever learned…


  1. …it’s important to enjoy my money and relax…

    …and after going to spas I realized that I really love spas…

    …this lesson, that it’s important for me to relax and enjoy the spa, changed my life…

    …I became a more fun, happy, relaxed person…

    …I was more open to receiving wealth and now I actually knew how to enjoy it…

  2. …I also learned about how amazing and beautiful our lives really are…

    …I mean, who invented spas?

    …they are amazingly wonderful places!

    …and they don’t cost as much as you would think…

    …once my friend Yoshiko took me to a few, then I became aware of this amazing other world…

    …where you feel rich, pampered and relaxed…

    …I began to realize that I could feel great and that it was a good thing to feel great…

  3. …third and final lesson I learned from Yoshiko was that you can still stay in really high end resorts AND get it at a pretty decent price…

    …in other words, I was introduced to the world of affordable luxury…

    …a fine resort is an amazing place to have fun, relax and just feel luxurious as well…

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