3 Keys To Having An Awesome Marriage

3 Keys To Having An Awesome Marriage

…if you’ve read Napoleon Hill’s books Think and Grow Rich, or The Laws of Success, then you know that the greatest mastermind is that of a husband and wife…

…if you want financial freedom then you better keep that marriage happy, healthy and AWESOME!

…today my husband and I celebrated our 3rd year of marriage and I’m inspired to write about these tips to a having an awesome marriage!

  1. Appreciate Your Spouse

    …I think it’s sometimes easy to forget how wonderful your spouse really is…

    …it’s a miracle that you found each other, fell in love, married and are now living a life together…

    …it took me over 20 years to finally find mine and to get married…

    …so I remember to appreciate him for all that he does and is…

    …I take the time to tell him that I love him everyday, and that I think he is sexy, and why I think he is sexy…

    …I celebrate special occasions with him, like our anniversary, birthdays and other great events…

  2. Love and Take Care of Yourself

    …to truly love someone requires that you truly love yourself…

    …working out, eating healthy, doing what you love, living a life on purpose…

    …loving and taking care of yourself will nurture your love for yourself and your love for others…

    …this is one of the secrets to an awesome relationship that we sometimes forget…

  3. Keep Dating

    …we go on date nights every weekend and have been doing this for a long time now…

    …it’s important for us to do things together as a couple, and not just be parents all the time…

    …it’s a way to stay in tune with each other and have fun together…

    …date at least once a week…

…what do you think?

…what makes a marriage awesome?

…share your thoughts below!

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