3 Keys To Allow You To Bring Your Passion To Your Purpose

3 Keys To Allow You To Bring Your Passion To Your Purpose

…having passions is great, but it isn’t enough…

…passion without purpose will lead to addiction instead of our true power…

…in order to live to our utmost, we need to introduce our passion to our purpose…

…this post will help you find ways to bring that passion towards your purpose…

  1. Seeing Clearly the Results of your Passion

    …knowing what you are passionate about…

    …and seeing the fruits of your passion clearly will help you see if your passion is supporting your true purpose…

    …for example, if you love to sing…

    …and the songs you are singing are not inspiring yourself or others to live better lives…

    …then you know your singing is not in alignment with your true purpose…

    …look at the actions that you are taking right now in your life…

    …are they resulting in what you want?

    …are they in alignment with your purpose?

  2. Know your purpose

    …it’s sometimes hardest to understand exactly what our true purpose is…

    …in the case above, perhaps like Ricky BB, her true purpose was to sing and perform music that uplifted her congregation to become happier, healthier, and more in alignment with God…

    …perhaps your purpose is to create schools for children in areas that are too poor to build and sustain their own schools…

    …perhaps your purpose is to educate yourself and the world on how to become financially free…

    …perhaps your purpose is to raise your children to be productive and happy members of society…

    …whatever your purpose, you must know what it is, and only you know for yourself what your purpose is…

    …take some quiet time to yourself and ask yourself, what were you put on this earth to do, what is your true purpose?

  3. Bring your Passion to Your Purpose

    …once you know what your purpose is, bringing in your passion to support it will bring you strength and peace of mind…

    …your purpose may be a challenge to attain, however, if you bring your passion to your purpose…

    …it doesn’t matter how hard it is or what obstacles you must face…

    …you will be in alignment in your actions and in your true nature…

    …and this will bring you the strength you need to accomplish your purpose…

    …and best of all, you will feel the joy of living a fulfilling and purposeful life using your unique talents and gifts…

    …and this is priceless…

    …and this is what brings us heaven on earth…

    …peace and blessings!

    Thank you Reverend Michael for the amazing Wednesday night service today, which inspired this post!  You can see it for yourself by CLICKING HERE

…what is your passion and are you aligned with your true purpose?

…share in the comments below on what you were set on this earth to do…

…and how your passion is supporting your purpose…

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2 Replies to “3 Keys To Allow You To Bring Your Passion To Your Purpose”

  1. Finding your true passion and doing more of it is really what life should be all about. Many people are working themselves to death with very little time to live life itself. I don’t think we were ever designed to just work and never work on ourselves. Thanks for sharing

    1. I agree Keith, it’s bringing that true passion, purposeful passion! Yes, I agree with you on needing time to work on ourselves.