3 Essential Tools For Building Your Financial Freedom

3 Essential Tools For Building Your Financial Freedom

What if I told you that you already have the tools for creating financial freedom?!?

…read on to find out how to use what you already have to create the life of your dreams NOW…

  1. Post It Notes

    Do you have post it notes at home or in your office?

    …this tool is everywhere for a reason, it’s POWERFUL and can be for building your financial freedom…

    So, how do I use post it notes to create financial freedom???

    …well, every successful person says that you have to write your goals down and put it somewhere that you can see it everyday…

    …so, grab that post it note RIGHT NOW and write on it your goal…

    …and stick that note up where you can see it everyday, I have mind underneath my computer at work…

    …some people put it on their bathroom mirror…


    Click Here to Learn More About Post It Notes

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  2. Notebook or a Planner

    …this is probably the most basic tool you can ever have…

    …it’s important to write down new ideas that come to you, investments that you are recommended that you need to research…

    …your perfect day (when you write out what your perfect day will be)

    …a place to take notes on all of the books your read about financial freedom…

    …a place where you can write out your goals…

    …it’s proven that handwriting will make your brain learn something in a stronger way than just saying it out loud…

    I recommend the Passion Planner, it allows you to set up your goals and also write them in on a weekly and monthly level…

    Click Here to Learn More About Notebook or a Planner

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  3. Calculator

    …how would you like to know how much of your money that you need and for when easily?

    …well, you do that with a basic calculator…

    …they have them in most phones these days…

    …when you want to invest in a stock, you can calculate the cost and then calculate the dividend…

    …you can figure out if you have enough left in your bank account to make a purchase…

    …you can figure out how much you spend per month and subtract the amount you make to figure out your cash flow…

    …I use it all the time…

    …get familiar with and know how to use your calculator…

    Click Here to Learn More About Calculator

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What do you think? What other tools do you think are essential for creating financial freedom?

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