3 Essential Mental Tools For Creating Success, Happiness and Financial Freedom

3 Essential Mental Tools For Creating Success, Happiness and Financial Freedom

…in the movie Hugo there is a little boy who likes to fix things, and realizes he can also fix people…

…how do you fix a person?

…find out below with these tools…

  1. The Calling or Big Why

    …everyone has something that makes them tick, makes them who they are, makes them alive…

    …most of us know what we love to do because when we do it time stands still…

    …it’s something that we could do all night…

    …for me that’s reading and writing and especially talking about philosophy and principles that make people successful, happy, financially free…

    …I also love being physically active in nature…

    …when someone cuts off their joy, they become “broken” as Hugo puts it in the movie…

    …the only way to fix it is to have the person go back and do the things that they love…

    …what causes someone to stop doing what they love?

    …some of the “outside” causes are wars, changes in economy, a job that keeps you out all day…

    …the real causes are on the “inside”, such as an ego to make more money, thinking you have to take care of the family or the children and sacrifice yourself…

    …no one benefits from a broken person, no matter how much money they make…

    Click Here to Learn More About The Calling or Big Why

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  2. Meditation

    …a great tool to recover someone’s why or even how to recover that joy of life is meditation…

    …quieting the mind and trusting that you have the inner knowledge to guide yourself…

    …this is one of the most powerful tools of the mind…

    Click Here to Learn More About Meditation

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  3. Dreams and Visions

    …dreaming and visioning what we want for the future, what would make us happy, what would be a better mankind…

    …this is what changes societies, allows for inventions, creative commerce, fun!

    …we have dreams to bring new things into our lives…

    …use this tool to see what you want in your life…

    Click Here to Learn More About Dreams and Visions

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…have any more mental tools you want to share?

..tell us about them in the comments below…

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One Reply to “3 Essential Mental Tools For Creating Success, Happiness and Financial Freedom”

  1. YES! Beautiful Post!! These Three Essential Mental Tools for success Are Perfect!