3 Easy Steps to Get What You Want For Mother’s Day

3 Easy Steps to Get What You Want For Mother’s Day

Today I’m going to share 3 Easy Steps to Get What You Want for Mother’s Day!

I’ve been asking a lot of Moms what they are doing for Mother’s Day and most of them say nothing planned…and I totally get that!

I’m a stay-at-home Mom with a 7 year old son.

I’m blessed to be a mother, and sometimes it’s a mixed bag of feelings.

I love being a Mom and now that I’m a stay at home mom, I get enough sleep and enjoy it a lot more.

However, as a Mom I’m constantly planning and doing the family logistics.

When it comes to having a day to myself, I don’t want to plan anything!!!

So if you’re not planning, then how can you get what you want for Mother’s Day?!?

Easy Step #1 – Figure out What You Want

Do you want the day to yourself?

Do you want cash?

Do you want dark chocolate or flowers or both?

Do you want to eat out at a certain restaurant?

What do you want?

Did you figure out what you want?

Easy Step #2 Ask For It

Now go ahead and ask for what you want.

Tell your husband, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, brother, sister, kids…tell them what you want.

Then let them get it for you.

Easy Step #3 Enjoy It

When you get it, enjoy it.

Take time out for you.

Don’t be thinking about your kids, or anything else!

Just have fun!

Make it Simple – Don’t Overthink This.

Do you want to get what you want for Mother’s Day?

Follow these 3 easy steps and HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY.

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