3-27-25 10,000 Thank You Practice, Financial Freedom Affirmations and Visualization
It’s time for our 3-27-25 10,000 Thank You Practice, Financial Freedom Affirmations and Visualization!!!
Practice is the key to being truly grateful and changing your life to create financial freedom.
I want to discuss today this question – Are you acting out with money?
A lot of my clients truly want to be financially free and they take the steps and make great progress and then it reverses.
I’ve been studying why this happens to see if there’s a way to stop this.
I will share my personal experience with acting out with my money.
I used to be in a relationship and deep down in my heart I knew I wanted to end it. Instead of just breaking up with my boyfriend I decided to spend thousands of dollars on him to help him create a business.
When that didn’t pan out, I used the money as fuel to break up with him.
Now, honestly, he was not a business minded person and I already knew that. I used my money to act out over the fact that I was unhappy in the relationship and wanted to break up.
Instead of just facing the truth, I decided to go thousands of dollars in debt.
Maybe there’s a situation in your life that you are unhappy about. Are you acting out with money? Are you throwing money at it in the hopes it will get better when in your heart you know it won’t?
Are you afraid to take the necessary actions to make yourself whole and happy again?
Take care of yourself. Take the time to sit in a quiet place and check in with yourself.
Are you alright?
Is something bothering you?
Usually just realizing you are upset, and just seeing the issue will start the healing process.
There are no victims in life.
You can play victim, or you can get in touch with yourself and take care of your needs.
Are you acting out?
Let’s heal together!