3-20-25 10,000 Thank Yous, Financial Freedom Affirmations and Visualization

3-20-25 10,000 Thank Yous, Financial Freedom Affirmations and Visualization

It’s time for our 10,000 Thank You Practice, Financial Freedom Affirmations and Visualization!

Practicing gratitude is the key to creating true wealth, you know the kind that feels good! We practice saying Thank You as a part of our 2025 Say 10,000 Thank Yous challenge. Join in as we say Thank You for a minute on today’s live and keep up the practice everyday.

When I first decided that I wanted to be Financially Free I learned about affirmations. I used to say them and listen to them everyday. Commercials work because they are repetitive and catchy so make your affirmations the same way. Repeat them and make them catchy and you will eventually be saying them over and over in your mind.

Visualize what your life will be like when you are financially free. What will you be doing? Who will you be with? How will you feel? Visualize and then let it go.

That’s our weekly practice. I recommend you make it a daily practice but get started in any way that makes you feel good.

Feel free to reach out to me and check out Finance Freedom Training LIVE. It’s one of our personal coaching programs to get you on track to becoming financially free! CLICK HERE, pay the $197 and set up your zoom appointment with me today!

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