21 Spots Left To Join Free Stock Education Program

21 Spots Left To Join Free Stock Education Program

Click here to learn more, register and get the replays!

As of 6/23/2020 we have 21 spots left for the FREE Stock Education program which meets on zoom on Fridays!

If you want to learn how to invest with a group of

-super cool
-super smart and
-super loving people

-> then you still can register!

CLICK HERE for the full details and to register for the FREE Mastermind.

We already have 4 members and growing.

I’m only letting in 25 free members, so if you want in get registered now!

What do you get?

-Free guidance to learn how to pick stocks like Warren Buffett, and other great value investors by learning skills in the book Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham and David Dodds.

-Free guidance on how to open a trading account for FREE and trade virtual stocks to practice (yes, you don’t need money to join or learn how to invest).

-Patient Leader who will lift every member up.  Questions are welcome.  We will wait and work with every member until we are all on track, understanding and progressing forward.

-Friends for life.  Have you ever been in a mastermind?  You remember the other members for life.  In addition, who else will you call when you want to talk about your investments?  In Hawaii?  Come to the beach with us =)  

-Exciting adventure into how the greatest investors get rich, and how you can learn to do what they do

-Free replays

-Choice to watch or join in.
  You don’t have to go in the LIVE zoom meetings.  Though you are invited to on Fridays @ 7am HST / 1pm EST =)  You can watch replays if the time doesn’t work for you, and e-mail me your questions instead.

-Virtual meetings.  You can join from anywhere, you don’t have to live in Hawaii.

-Chance to get rich during this economic crisis.  I started the mastermind because this is the time to invest in the stock market.  When it is in a recession/depression.  This is our time.

-Learn something new.  Grow new brain cells.  Stay young and vibrant.  Grow with us!

Have more questions?!?

There’s proof of 9 different investors who beat index funds on a consistent basis (including Warren Buffett) right here.

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