21 Insights to Love and Money – from Jeri Walz’s Where’s the Love & Who’s Got My Money?

Today is a beautiful Tuesday morning in sunny Honolulu, and after doing my morning energy healing, making breakfast and taking my husband to work and my son to school, my work out and meditation…wow and it’s only 10am…I’m going to share with you 21 Insights to Love and Money – from Jeri Walz’s Where’s the Love & Who’s Got My Money?
Do you think love has anything to do with money?
Jeri thinks it does.
She started her story with the divorce of her parents when she was a child. She then went off to boarding school and learned to ride horses.
When she returned she was going to live on a ranch with her dad, however, he died crashing the plane he was flying.
She learned later in life to change her thoughts and perspective of what happened to her and become truly prosperous, and finally find her soul mate.
In the process, she also helped her husband Rod shift his money consciousness and turn his commissions of $1,700/mo (with $2,000 overhead) into $3,000/day.
Let’s learn from her story and her 21 insights!
Insight #1 When you accept that there is only oneness, you experience a very different reality with more rewarding results.
Do you think we would be fighting with others and having jealousy and hate if we realized that we are all connected?
There is a oneness that we are all a part of, and when we realize and accept this, it becomes silly to hurt others as we are only hurting ourselves.
This changes how we treat others and how we view others.
As we treat and view others with the same love and regard we have for ourselves, our lives change for the better.
Insight #2 All good that is to be manifested in our lives is already an accomplished fact in the infinite power and is released through our recognition or spoken word.
The oneness includes infinite power…yay!
So all we need to do to manifest all the good in our lives is to see that good as already being accomplished.
Then we just release it to let it be so.
Then it becomes fact.
Insight #3 Our greatest gifts often come to us through our greatest challenges.
When I had a lot of debt I didn’t feel like this was true.
However, now that I’ve paid off all my debt and I’m much more responsible with credit, I realize that I’m disciplined because I had to spend years paying it off.
I also realize that I wouldn’t have looked into Financial Freedom or passive income generation if I hadn’t had financial difficulties.
I wouldn’t have this blog or be leading mastermind groups on Financial Freedom.
My greatest challenge was a great gift =)
Insight #4 You need to hold yourself in the highest regard if you are truly going to offer a good service to others.
This makes sense, since you will offer better service if you think well of yourself.
If you know in your heart that you are worthy, and deserving and noble…then that is what you will also see you your clients.
Insight #5 Consciously choose to see yourself in a very different way.
When you want to make a change in your life, you must consciously choose to see yourself in a very different way.
This is the action step to change your life.
Insight #6 See yourself more in the light of you being perfect, whole and complete, even with your perceived imperfections.
Do you look in the mirror and see yourself as perfect?
How do you feel about yourself.
Do you notice the great things about yourself or the flaws or both?
Do you love yourself even with all of your imperfections (maybe even because of them?)
Are you truly in love with yourself?
Insight #7 Like the air we can’t see yet thrive from its gifts, so too your subconscious mind, your auto pilot, accepts without question what you put into it.
We can teach ourselves to be more powerful, wealthy, healthy, loving…by telling ourselves how we are being.
What we say, what we see and what we listen to goes into our subconscious mind.
Our subconscious mind then accepts it and makes it automatically appear in our lives!
Insight #8 Be grateful for what you have created and ask yourself if you want to change any of it and if so what parts.
Start with gratitude, feeling good about your life as it is at this very moment.
Then while in the feeling of gratitude, ask yourself what parts of your life that you want to change.
That’s your starting point – gratitude.
Then you go into creating the new vision of your life as you would like it to be.
Insight #9 As we focus our lives on our personal growth and contributing to others we fulfill all our needs and we may just be on to discovering our true purpose on the planet.
Focus on personal growth, growing ourselves to be the best we can be.
I work on learning internet marketing, learning about financial freedom, passive income, investing and so on…
It’s all to make myself grow!
Insight #10 If you have received an idea, you are capable of achieving it.
That’s right! Even that idea that you can become a billionaire, or a famous singer, or whatever dream or thoughts are in your head.
If you have the idea, you are capable of achieving it if you decide to.
Insight #11 When you meet someone whose qualities you admire, it would be impossible for you to recognize those qualities if they were not already inside of you.
See beauty in someone?
You’re beautiful yourself…or you wouldn’t see it.
Same with seeing genius, love, compassion, wealth…etc.
Insight #12 It is imperative that you find that place in your heart to truly bless and be excited for those who are successful in life.
I actually had a challenge doing this as I was sharing this blog with others.
I heard of someone I knew who was a teenager who was being interviewed on a radio show for singing and releasing a song with a local artist, and I felt jealous.
Insight #13 Use the 6 Intellectual Faculties to consciously create the life that you want.
- Intuition – when you just know something
Imagination – our creative side
Perception – our point of view, how we see things, are you looking for opportunities, beauty, abundance?
Focus – your ability to hold your attention and thoughts on something
Memory – our memories and the act of remembering
Reason – selects the thoughts you want to linger in your mind and also plans how to reach your dreams
Insight #14 Express within yourself the qualities you want to attract in someone else.
You want someone who is fit and strong, well, get out there and exercise and work out.
You want someone who is healthy, then eat nutritious food, get healthy!
You want someone who listens to you? Then go out and listen to others!
You want someone loving? Then express your love to others!
Get it?
Insight #15 We don’t always get what we want but we do get what we believe in.
This one made me really check in.
I monitor certain parts of my life.
And the results I’m getting that aren’t what I want, I’ve had to refocus on what is my belief about myself.
If I don’t have it yet, then it’s my belief muscle that I need to strengthen!
Insight #16 It’s about divine love, not about being right.
Ever get into an argument with someone and you knew you were right?
And the argument gets worse and worse?
Then you start questioning if you even like this person anymore?
Well, if you stepped back, you would see that what you are arguing about is not as important as your relationship!
It takes effort to actually stop arguing and realize that it doesn’t matter if you are right, or not, because it’s not worth having so many negative feelings towards someone that you love.
And if you agree that we are all connected, then it’s not worth having negative feelings towards anyone, whether we are right or not.
Insight #17 When you are not in divine love, choose again (throw away your hammers and don’t beat yourself up)
Sometimes I’m not feeling very loving.
I might be tired, or just not sure why but grumpy or irritable.
It’s ok.
I can just choose again, to be in a state of divine love.
That might just be a mindset shift, using a trigger or a memory to change my state, going to sleep and resting…any number of ways.
The point is, we can choose now to be in divine love again.
No need to beat ourselves up about it.
No need to judge ourselves.
Make sense?
Insight #18 Express gratitude towards others to get in the state of divine love (where you can give and receive love)
Sometimes it feels challenging to be in a state of divine love.
The way to get more in the state is to express gratitude and feel grateful!!!
Here is an exercise she suggests if you are challenged by this:
- Make a list of the people in your life that you have a difficult time loving
- Think of one simple way you would be comfortable demonstrating your love toward them
- Create the courage to do it and watch what happens
Insight #19 Sometimes it’s the small everyday events that we need to focus on the most to change our state into divine love.
When I wake up in the morning I can choose to meditate, make breakfast, go to the bathroom, do energy healing, wake up my family…the choice I make will change my state.
These are my everyday tasks, yet they are my whole life too!
They are so important.
So I notice that energy healing, meditation, exercise will help me get into a state of divine love (especially when I went to bed early and ate healthy foods).
As I choose to do those everyday activities that improve my state more and more, I change my state into divine love on an everyday basis.
Insight #20 Focus on giving love to others (to create more love in your life)
Want more love in your life?
Focus your attention on giving love to others!
That’s right, make others your priority, and make sure they feel loved!
Wow, can you just see how good that would feel and how fun that would be?!?
If you feel depleted when you give, it was not really a gift.
So test how you’re feeling!!!
Be sure to give out of love =)
Insight #21 Always check in first with how you are going to “be” before deciding what you are going to “do” in any situation.
We are human beings not human doings. So how are you being?
Check in with that before you do anything!
Maybe even just practice being instead of doing.
Jeri talks about how we were raised to focus on doing things.
Let’s go back to focus on being the kind of loving and wealthy people that we are =)
This book is a great read, has lots of personal stories to compliment the various insights.
I pulled out of it 21 insights, though the book has a lot more information and insights that I did not mention.
I recommend you follow the insights yourself and see which ones work for you and to get the book and read it for yourself!