2 Days To Sign Up for the 66 Day Financial Freedom Mindset Challenge!!!

2 Days To Sign Up for the 66 Day Financial Freedom Mindset Challenge!!!

There are 2 Days To Sign Up for the 66 Day Financial Freedom Mindset Challenge!!!

How do I sign up?

To join just CLICK HERE and fill out your first name and e-mail address in our contact form and submit.  Then check your inbox for the Free e-book Working Parents Guide to Financial Freedom.  If you don’t see it, check your spam folder and mark our e-mails as safe.

Why 66 days?

We are working on forming a financial freedom mindset, which is really forming a thought and feeling habit of wealth and abundance in your mind. Research has shown that it takes on average 66 days to create a new habit.

Why create a Financial Freedom Mindset?

Studies have shown that your mindset has an effect on your life.  If you want to be financially free then create the mindset first.

A simple example is thinking and feeling wealthy will change how you respond to wealth around you.  If you are thinking and feeling wealthy then speaking to a wealthy person about their day will be feel more enjoyable.  This may lead to you making more wealthy friends, and leading to more opportunities to create and enjoy more wealth.

How does the 66 Day Create a Financial Freedom Mindset Challenge Work?

If you want to change your mindset you need to change your thoughts and feelings about being financially free, having wealth and abundance.  The only way to do that is to practice thinking and feeling thoughts that make you feel financially free.

Here is what we will be doing:

Day 1 on Thursday February 15th – Thought Check

On Day #1 we look at our thoughts by writing down what we are thinking.  Then we analyze our thoughts and decide how we want to change any of our thoughts to create a Financially Free Mindset.  We create our personal set of powerful affirmations and questions.

Days 2-32 Thoughts and Feelings Practice

We spend time every day saying and feeling our financial freedom thoughts.

Day 33 Thought Check

We write down our thoughts again to see how we are doing.

Days 34-65 Thoughts and Feelings Practice

We spend time every day saying and feeling our personalized financially free affirmations and questions.

Day 66 Thought Check and Celebration!

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