11 Ways Sleeping Will Make You Financially Free

11 Ways Sleeping Will Make You Financially Free

I’m going to share with you 11 Ways Sleeping Will Make You Financially Free.

You are probably wondering how sleeping could ever make you financially free.

Well, check out 11 ways that it will and surprise yourself.

It’s something I didn’t do enough of before I quit my job in December of 2016.

Way #1 Prioritizing Sleep is a Motivation to Become Financially Free

If you prioritize sleep, then you will find a way to get enough sleep.

If you do that, then you will create a lifestyle where you will get enough sleep.

This will involve working less hours, and having a healthy schedule.

This will help motivate you to create financial freedom for yourself and your family!

Way #2 Better Mental Clarity Leads to Better Financial Decisions

Ever try to make decisions when you are sleepy?

I end up making little math mistakes, or confusing one thing for the other.

When I get enough sleep, I can see my finances more clearly.

I make better financial decisions that lead to more wealth.

Sounds pretty obvious but this is really important to get you on the path to financial freedom.

For example, if you are tired you might forget to pay a bill.

This may lead to late fees, and additional stress that you can avoid if you have more sleep!

Way #3 Sleeping Leads to Savings in Healthcare Costs

Now that our family gets enough sleep, we hardly ever get sick.

The month I took my son out of pre-school, we paid over $600 in health care costs for copays, drugs and so on.

We’ve cut our costs by $500/month!!!

Way #4 Better Health Leads to Savings in Caffeine Consumption

How much do you spend on coffee, monster drinks, tea, or red bull everyday?

Want to eliminate that cost completely?

Get enough sleep and properly hydrate by drinking water!

Way #5 Better Health Leads to Improvement of Image and More Financial Opportunities

Better sleep has led me to better health.

I no longer cough and sneeze and constantly have colds.

Of course, because of this, I look better and feel better.

Better sleep also leads to better skin, and better everything really!

My image and what I project and what people see is a more confident, attractive and healthy person.

I attract people.

I attract opportunities from these people.

This is how money can flow into your life.

Way #6 Since You Are Sleeping More – You Are Motivated To Find Ways To Make Money While You Sleep

Gosh, the biggest motivator for me to get into business and investing was to make money while I sleep.

I thought it was a cool idea.

It’s a cool thing to tell others that you did.

And, who doesn’t want to make money while you sleep?

That motivation has brought me to where I am now, and I love it!

Way #7 Better Mental Health Makes Financial Tasks More Fun and Enjoyable

Face it, one of the reasons a lot of people have poor finances is that they are too tired to deal with their money.

When you get enough sleep, you are happier and see everything with joy.

Because of that, you also see your finances with joy.

You will be able to see ways to save, ways to make money, cut costs, find deals and so on easier and in a flow.

Way #8 Sleeping Leads You To Treat Yourself Better – Value Yourself Better

Treating yourself better is often why we want to become Financially Free in the first place.

Sleeping itself is the act of treating yourself better.

When you start treating yourself better, the universe starts treating you better.

Everything in your life improves because you are valuing your life more and more!

You will have higher standards for your health, your relationships and your money!

For example, I started meditating regularly.

I took a meditation class to improve my practice, which has led me to better health, mental clarity, peace of mind!

I also exercise more, and I recover better because I can sleep more!

Because I value myself, I spend my time in things that make me more valuable, such as reading books on finance and rebalancing our portfolios.

Way #9 Better Sleep Leads You To Treat Your Spouse Better – Making Relationships Last

Want a lasting loving relationship with your spouse?

This will not only make you both happier, you will save a lot of money by keeping your marriage happy.

Way #10 Better Sleep Leads You To Treat Your Children Better – And They In Turn Treat You Better

Kids might be one of the biggest costs for parents, or one of the biggest assets.

If you get more sleep, you will spend more quality time with your children.

This will lead to much better relationships, and financial health for everyone including you!

Way #11 Sleep is a Window into Your Subconscious – Where Your True Power Lies

Ever hear of the power of dream interpretation?

Or have you heard that if you say an affirmation or listen to affirmations while you sleep, they will go into your subconscious?

When you have a belief in your subconscious, you will manifest it in your life because that is where your true power is.

I’ve found that have enough rest, and presence of mind, allows me to focus on what my thoughts are before I go to bed.

It allows me to consciously choose what I want to manifest in my life, what I want to focus on and even figure out my dominant thoughts are.

I have more say and more ability to focus on my life, my choices and what my current thoughts are and what they might be causing in my life.

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