11 Techniques to Stay Healthy, Maintain Ideal Weight, and Be Happy
Want to learn 11 techniques to Stay Healthy, Maintain Ideal Weight and Be Happy?
I follow all of these 11 techniques and have been very healthy, at my ideal weight and very happy!
So let’s begin!
Technique #1 Grounding
Grounding is touching the ground, nature, the earth. Walking around barefoot, swimming in the ocean, touching trees, etc.
Being out in nature feels good because you are grounding.
I learned this from my acupuncture doctor, though I’ve intuitively know this my whole life.
Technique #2 Take Cold Showers
My kungfu teacher told me once that when he took cold showers he never got a cold.
So for a whole year I took cold showers, and guess what?
I never got a cold!
I recently started taking cold showers again, on the advice of one of my friends who also goes into cold water everyday for the same reason.
Guess what?
No colds!
I once went to a fitness center that had a cold plunge. It was a small pool just big enough for you to jump in and be in cold water.
I can definitely say that it makes you feel alive and in the moment =)
Technique #3 Get Enough Sleep
You probably know this already, but it’s really good for your health to get enough sleep.
Not sure how much you need?
Go to sleep early enough that you wake up feeling refreshed!
Don’t worry about what people say, figure it out for your own body.
Technique #4 Eat Green Leafy Vegetables Everyday
Remember Popeye, he ate his spinach and got really strong.
Well, eating green leafy vegetables everyday will make you smell better, it will make you regular, it will keep you healthy!!!
I learned this from Dr. Pankaj Naram, who recommended a lot of dietary changes. He recommends you cook your green leafy vegetables.
I cook them – bokchoy, ong choy, spinach, kale, chard, choi sum, etc.
If you like salads and they make you healthy, then follow your own body’s wisdom and it’s preferences.
Technique #5 Avoid Processed Food – Eat Whole Foods
Eat fresh fruit and vegetables.
Don’t eat packaged food like ramen, cookies, drinks, canned foods, packaged sauces that are freeze dried.
Buy whole foods without chemical additives.
Dr. Pankaj Naram would say these foods lack prana (or life force).
Technique #6 No Wheat
When I stopped eating wheat, I lost 7 pounds in a week and kept them off.
I think the easiest way to maintain your ideal weight is to just stop eating wheat.
Ever read the book The Wheat Belly by William Davis, MD?
It has case studies on wheat elimination to cure everything from Diabetes to Obesity to Hair Loss and so on.
Dr. Pankaj Naram says to avoid wheat as well, as it is very difficult to digest.
He recommends other grains to replace wheat.
If you avoid bread, pasta, cereals and processed food, you will avoid wheat.
By the way, White Bread is made of wheat.
I have met so many people who don’t know this!
Look for gluten free products to avoid wheat!
Technique #7 No Meat
Dr Pankaj Naram’s diet recommendations did not include meat, so I cut it out of my diet back in 2010.
I also stopped eating meat for a while when I lived in Taiwan back in the early 2000’s.
I noticed that it just didn’t taste that good, and my sister recommended a vegetarian diet for humanitarian reasons.
If you are concerned about protein, then supplement your food with lentils and beans. I mix lentils and beans in my rice.
When I trained for an Ironman I ate protein bars and made my own protein shakes. All of this was vegan.
You can gain muscle without eating meat.
The Thrive Diet by Brendan Brazier is an excellent book that talks about how to use nutrition to have better energy, recover faster and become a better athlete. It also has recipes for energy drinks, protein drinks and meals.
Technique #8 Drink Water
Do you drink water?
I drink water and only water everyday.
I drink water when I go to restaurants.
If I feel like splurging, I drink mineral water.
I’m lucky that I live in Hawaii, which has some of the best tap water in the world.
I don’t drink coffee, soda or energy drinks.
I have energy already.
I only drink tea occasionally (like once every 3 months), and I only drink juice after a marathon, or a long race…where I really need carbs/sugar.
I do drink soy milk (unsweetened) on occasion.
Water is what I drink everyday.
Replace all your drinks with water and see how you feel.
Technique #9 Meditate Daily
Meditation is key to a healthy life, mentally, physically, spiritually.
I meditate everday.
I took a class on how to meditate at the Agape International Spiritual Center.
There are many techniques.
The one I use I focus on my breathing, and stay focused on the here and now, with an intention to have an awakening that I am one with the spirit of God.
I also meditate each time as if it were the first time.
Meditation allows me to enter my inner peace, so that now matter what is going around in the world, I am centered and in grace.
It allows me to tap into my higher self, to relax, to breath, to be grateful, to realize my greatness, to be kind and loving to myself, to rest in God…so many good reasons.
Technique #10 Energy Healing Routine
The last time I was pregnant I couldn’t walk easily because my knees swelled up.
The chiropractor didn’t help, but this energy healing did.
I’ve done it everyday since.
Watch the video below and add this to your daily routine.
I am grateful everyday that I can walk, and that I am in good health!
Technique #11 Exercise Daily
Exercise is great for making me happy. I love getting a runner’s high.
Whatever exercise you choose, do something that makes you happy!
I’ve been surfing a lot recently, and boogie boarding with my son.
It’s so beautiful to be outdoors and it’s fun!
You don’t have to be in pain to exercise!
Just get out and get active.
Bonus Technique #12 Be Nice To Yourself / Say Nice Things to Yourself
If you want to be happy, make a habit of being nice to yourself.
Say nice things to yourself.
This is what I did to create my own happiness habit.
I recorded myself saying nice things to myself and played it on a loop at my desk while I was working.
It’s a great way to program your brain to recognize your greatness, and focus on the positive.
I hope you enjoyed these 11 Techniques to Stay Healthy, Maintain Your Weight and Be Happy.
I use these techniques so I am living proof that they work.
Adopt whatever you like.
I remember when I started Dr. Pankaj Naram’s diet I lost weight, went down a from a size 6 to a size 4 and never went back.
In addition, my cholesterol went down from borderline to normal.
I stopped getting sleepy after eating lunch, have more energy and am more productive.
Following a few of the suggestions makes it easier to follow the others.
Once your body starts getting healthy, you are going to want to keep feeling healthy.
Once you start feeling happy, you are going to naturally become healthier.
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