11 Benefits From An Actual Financial Freedom Mastermind

11 Benefits From An Actual Financial Freedom Mastermind

Today I’m writing about 11 Benefits from an Actual Financial Freedom Mastermind.

This blog is based on my personal experience running a mastermind program for 3 years now. I call the mastermind “Finance Freedom Mastermind” and you can CLICK HERE to learn more about it.

A mastermind is a group of people who get together and work towards specific goals.

In this case, we are a group of people who get together online and our goal is to make everyone on the mastermind financially free as quickly as possible.

Benefit #1 – Learn the Difference Between Assets and Liabilities – Acquire at Least 2 New Assets

With the mastermind groups that I led from 2016 to date, all members learned the difference between assets and liabilities.

Most were shocked that they owned so many liabilities and had little or no assets.

After a year in the program, most members acquired basic assets such as high yield savings accounts and dividend yielding stocks.

Benefit #2 – Overcome Investment Blocks

Personally, in one of my mastermind sessions I discovered that I had a block to buying property by myself. I thought in my head that my Dad should help me with the down payment.

Once I realized that thought was there, it disappeared and Jomel and I bought our first property together just 1 month later!

One of our mastermind members had a block that she could not pay her own rent, and that her parents would have to pay it. We worked on removing the block and the following month, she could pay her own rent.

Most financial breakthroughs occur after removing a financial block. I’ve noticed that these financial blocks are specific to each member.

Benefit #3 – Know Your Net Worth, Cash Flow, Passive Income and Create a Financial Freedom Account

All members so far who have entered the mastermind had no idea what their Financial numbers were – Net Worth, Cash Flow, Passive Income or Financial Freedom Account.

In the mastermind, all members learned and actually calculated their Net Worth, Cash Flow, Passive Income and created a Financial Freedom Account for investing.

Just calculating and understanding these numbers gave members phenomenal results.

I had a member of the program that was so surprised that he had improved his Net Worth by as much as his annual income at the end of the year.

I personally found that when I tracked my Net Worth, it increased every year.

Tracking Passive Income has created Passive Income for all members. I have seen that those who stop tracking, find their passive incomes go down. Those who consistently track find their passive income increasing.

Benefit #4 – Creating Passive Income Streams

Our mastermind members start with High Yield online savings accounts as their first passive income stream.

They are often surprised at how easy it is to open an account and how the interest starts coming in.

They are also surprised at how many investment opportunities there are out in the world that perform worse than a high yield savings account.

Benefit #5 – Keep More Income, Lose Less Money to Lending and Get Rich Quick Schemes

Upon the discover of how high yield savings account create passive income with little risk, members find it easier to hold onto their money for themselves.

They lend money to friends and family less, stopping the loss of money that is never paid back.

They also realize that investment opportunities might be far worse than a savings account, and they become more cautious with their money.

One of our members lent money to others without collateral, and has stopped lending.

I’ve noticed for myself that I have less people asking to borrow money from me, as I don’t lend money without collateral anymore.

Benefit #6 – Reverse Bank Fees

Bank fees can cost hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars a year depending on your finances.

In the mastermind, one of our members learned and applied techniques passed down to me, and reversed bank fees on multiple occasions.

That member also now pay much less in bank fees every month.

Benefit #7 – Purchase First Property

I purchased my first property during my first year in the mastermind.

One of our members purchased their first property in the 3rd year in the mastermind.

Benefit #8 – Started Businesses

All current mastermind members work for themselves in their own businesses.

One quit a job to start a business and now owns 2 businesses.

I started 2 new AirBnB businesses with my family while in the mastermind.

Benefit #9 – Sold a Business to a Mastermind Member

In the 3rd year of the mastermind, I sold a business to a mastermind member.

Our family profited and the business is profitable for the member.

Benefit #10 – Increased Net Worth

I have increased my Net Worth from $83,000 to $211,000 since I started tracking my Net Worth in February of 2017.

Benefit #11 – Paying Passive Income to Ourselves

One of the benefits of investing for me is that I pay myself my returns. In the mastermind, members usually find it easier to start investing, but find it very challenging to pay themselves their profits, interest, dividends, etc.

Members usually start paying themselves their passive income 1 year after they create a successful savings habit.


I hope you enjoyed learning about 11 benefits from an actual financial freedom mastermind. The program that I’m discussing is called Finance Freedom Mastermind and we are accepting new members until the end of the month.

Once the mastermind is full, I will not accept new members until members become financially free and open up a spot for a new member.

I encourage you to learn more about Finance Freedom Mastermind by CLICKING HERE, looking at the testimonials and getting started.

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