10,000 x Thank You Challenge

10,000 x Thank You Challenge

Aloha and Happy New Year!!! Start it off with gratitude and create wealth with the 10,000 x Thank You Challenge!!!

Why practice gratitude?

I read a story in the book by Ken Honda called Happy Money. He has a Millionaire Mentor who owns a cookie factory in Japan. In the story, someone asked his mentor for a lot of money. His mentor said yes, but under the condition that he first must say “Thank You” 10,000 times.

So the man took several months to say Thank You 10,000 times. Guess what? After those months of saying “Thank You” he no longer needed the money.

So I was inspired in 2025 to do a 10,000 x Thank You Challenge!!!

Here’s how it works.

In 2025 say “Thank You” 10,000 times and see how much wealthier and happier you become!!!

It’s that easy.

How can you do it?

Say Thank You for a minute every day. I counted that I say about 40 Thank Yous in 1 minute. So it would take me 250 days to say 10,000 Thank Yous!

If I say thank you for a minute every morning and every night it will take 125 days!!!

Take the 10,000 Thank You Challenge and see how your life changes!

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