10 Ways To Relax When You Don’t Think You Can

10 Ways To Relax When You Don’t Think You Can

Today I’m going to talk about 10 Ways To Relax When You Don’t Think You Can.

If you are a busy body, or an adrenaline junky, it may seem impossible for you to relax.

However, a key to financial freedom is to live a great life, and that definitely includes relaxing!!!

So it’s important to start practicing the art and science of Relaxation!

#1 Way To Relax When You Don’t Think You Can – Stop and close your eyes and breath

When things are going just crazy and you need to relax, just stop what you are doing, close your eyes and listen to your breath.

That will calm you down, ease the tension, and get you grounded.

After all, you are alive.

You are still breathing without your direct control.

Things are ok, let the universe handle it.

#2 Way To Relax When You Don’t Think You Can – Schedule in Some Time Everyday to Relax

Relaxing is a habit.

So schedule in 10 minutes a day to start, maybe at your lunch time.

If you don’t have lunch, then before you step into your work space.

Find 10 minutes and put it in your schedule.

You’ll gradually be able to increase the time as you get good with the habit.

#3 Way To Relax When You Don’t Think You Can – Drop everything and go to the beach

Ha, that’s actually what I’m doing right after I write this blog post.

While you’re reading this, I’m probably floating in the sunshine of Waikiki’s amazing beaches =)

#4 Way To Relax When You Don’t Think You Can – Do Something Out of The Ordinary

Jump up and down and yell I’m excited 3 times super loud.

Or, just take your shoes off and switch your socks.

Figure out something unusual to do right now.

It will make you laugh, get you out of being busy, get you to stop taking yourself so seriously.

#5 Way To Relax When You Don’t Think You Can – Listen to Relaxing Music

It’s easy to play music in the background while you work.

Find something relaxing to play and listen to.

#6 Way To Relax When You Don’t Think You Can – Do a Really Challenging Workout

This may seem counter intuitive, but after I run sprints, or do a really challenging circuit work out, I end up feeling very very relaxed.

Sometimes pushing your body to the limit is the way to get out of your mind and into your body.

Your body will know on it’s own how and when to relax.

Push yourself to the limit and then RELAX!

#7 Way To Relax When You Don’t Think You Can – Watch a relaxing video

#8 Way To Relax When You Don’t Think You Can – Get a Massage

I’m always relaxed when I’m getting a massage.

It’s just a wonderful feeling.

Go ahead and get a massage!

You can do it before work, after work, during lunch.

Schedule 1 now!

#9 Way To Relax When You Don’t Think You Can – Go To Relaxing Places

I like going to the beach or the park.

I like to relax in nature.

What about you?

Where do you like to relax?

Hang out in relaxing places!

#10 Way To Relax When You Don’t Think You Can – Hang Out With People Who Know How to Relax

If you are having a hard time, think about people you know who are good at relaxing.

If you don’t know anyone, go to places like the beach or the park where you see other people relaxing!

Be around people who know how to relax, and it will gradually make it easier and easier for you to relax too!

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