10 Ways To Make Money From Your Ideas
Would you like to know 10 Ways to Make Money From Your Ideas?
Well read on and learn 10 ways that I or others that I know have made money with their ideas.
Maybe you can start making money from your ideas too!
#1 Create a Membership Website
If you have a skill that you can teach, such as financial planning, getting in shape, cooking, gardening, music, etc…then you can create a membership website that will teach others.
Members would pay you and then they can access your membership website.
#2 Create a Blog
You can create a blog and sell your products on it.
You are on a blog right now.
You can see how I have my products on my product page, on the side bar, and also on my pop-up.
#3 Create an E-Newsletter
You can have people subscribe to your e-newsletter.
In your newsletter you share your ideas, and offer your products and services as well.
#4 Write an E-Book
You can write an e-book, and sell it.
If you want to see an example of an e-book, you can subscribe to my e-mail list and I will send you a free e-book – Working Parent’s Guide to Financial Freedom.
To subscribe, put in your first name and e-mail address and hit the red “yes” button.
#5 Write an Article
You can write an article in the newspaper, in a magazine or online.
If you have good ideas, it will go viral.
People will contact you, perhaps to pay you to speak or to teach about your ideas.
#6 Write a Book
You can write a book, and get a publisher to help you market and produce it.
You can also self publish on Amazon.
#7 Do a Podcast
I have a friend who has a Podcast The Tao of Self Confidence. She interviews women on how they became confident.
You can have a podcast on whatever good ideas that you have.
#8 Create a Youtube Channel
A Youtube Channel is a great way to get your ideas out on the internet on video.
If your ideas and videos are good, then you will get a lot of views and have opportunities to earn advertising income and get sponsors.
#9 Create a Periscope Channel
If you live in an interesting location, you can get a lot of live viewers by starting a periscope channel.
You can put a link to what you are selling in your profile.
Then do live broadcasts about your ideas.
#10 Sell Your Coaching
If you have skills that other people want, then you can sell your own coaching.
When I paid off my credit card debts, created passive income and quit my job, I created a skill that other people wanted to learn – how to create more financial freedom.
So I coach people through my Finance Freedom Mastermind programs. You can find out more about my coaching program by CLICKING HERE.
I hope you found these 10 ways to Make Money With Your Ideas interesting and useful to you.
I enjoy thinking of new ways to offer value and services to others.
If people buy my products and services I know that there is a market for them.
You can start by creating some products and services and seeing if you have a market for them.
If you do, then you can make money off of your ideas too!
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