10 Questions to Determine What You Think Is Possible For Your Life

10 Questions to Determine What You Think Is Possible For Your Life

I’m going to share with you 10 Questions to Determine What You Think Is Possible For Your Life.

These questions are from p. 42 of the book Integrity Selling For The 21st CenturyHow to Sell the Way People Want to Buy by Ron Willingham.

  1. Who am I?
  2. What level of success is possible for me to achieve?
  3. What level of success do I deserve to enjoy?
  4. What level of people can I sell to?
  5. What level of income is it possible for me to achieve?
  6. What level of income isn’t possible for me to achieve?
  7. What lifestyle is possible for me to enjoy?
  8. What things are impossible for me to enjoy?
  9. What is the line that divides what I think I’m capable of achieving and what I think I’m not capable of enjoying? Why has this line been invisibly drawn?
  10. What would I like to gain or possess, but don’t believe I’ll ever have?

Meditate on these questions and you will begin to understand what you think is possible for your life.

What you think is possible, is determining what results you are producing in your life.

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