10 Best 2025 Money Resolutions For Financial Freedom
It’s 2025 and have you make your New Year Resolutions?
Here are some great ways to create Financial Freedom that I use.
Pick one or more and create Financial Freedom in 2025!
#1 New Year’s Resolution – Pay Myself First Monthly
I will take at least 10% of my pay and put it into a retirement or investment account which I will NEVER spend. I will only spend the money that it makes. (For example, I will spend the interest, dividends or capital returns ONLY. When I die it goes to my heirs.)
A good way to do this is to automate it. You can have your paycheck divided so that some of it goes to your high yield savings account. You can also have money taken out pre-tax if your company has a 401K or other retirement plan that has a match.
I personally automate transfers out of my checking. I have one transfer to my ROTH IRA, one transfer to my brokerage account for investing in dividend yielding stocks, and one transfer to may high yield savings account.
#2 New Year’s Resolution – Invest In Passive Income Investment Monthly
I will invest into a passive income investment monthly (high yield savings, dividend yielding stocks, investment property, etc).
I personally save to a high yield savings account so my interest increases monthly. I also invest in dividend yielding stocks and look for investment properties to purchase.
Some people find other investments as well.
#3 New Year’s Resolution – I spend an hour a week learning about Passive Income Investing
Set aside time every week to read books, magazines, or do other activities to learn about how to invest in passive income.
If you have a calendar then schedule it. Maybe you can visit your local library or a book store. You can join one of my programs below that include an Office Hour weekly on Zoom.
Finance Freedom Mastermind is the premier program that includes monthly personal coaching, weekly live zoom classes and the weekly zoom office hour – CLICK HERE to learn more.
Finance Freedom Training live is our budget program for people who want monthly personal coaching and access to the weekly Zoom Office Hour but can watch video trainings in their own time – CLICK HERE to learn more
Finance Freedom Makeover is our video training program that includes the weekly office hour – CLICK HERE to learn more.
#4 New Year’s Resolution – I Calculate My Net Worth Monthly
I schedule a time every month to calculate my Net Worth.
You calculate Net Worth with this formula –
It takes some time and you need to add up the value of what you have and what you owe. I use a spreadsheet. You can do it by hand too. It’s simply listing what you have and what you owe and the amounts.
I calculate my Net Worth because I want it to expand or grow. What you focus on expands. So I keep track of it. When I lose track of it I notice that it stays the same. I’ve had clients lose track of it and it went down.
That’s why I think it’s a good habit to keep track of my Net Worth.
If you need help with this, sign up for Finance Freedom Training live is our budget program for people who want monthly personal coaching and access to the weekly Zoom Office Hour but can watch video trainings in their own time – CLICK HERE to learn more
#5 New Year’s Resolution – I Spend Less Than I Make
Every month I will calculate my income and spending and make sure I spend less than I make.
Schedule a time to do this.
This is easy and hard depending.
If you are having money issues involving spending you will probably need to schedule a whole day to figure out your spending for the month.
Figuring out income is usually pretty easy. Just look at your pay checks, bank interest, dividends, and any other income you received.
#6 New Year’s Resolution – I spend an hour a week increasing my value
I will spend an hour a week learning new skills to make me more valuable at my work or at my side gig.
Schedule it!
#7 New Year’s Resolution – I Practice Gratitude Daily
I create a daily practice where I say Thank You, Journal or any other gratitude practice.
I added saying a minute of “thank you” to my daily meditation practice. If you work out daily you can say Thank You everytime you count a rep.
Another way is to say thank you for a minute before you go to bed at night.
If you’re a morning person then maybe say thank you when you wake up!
Maybe after you brush your teeth you can look in the mirror and say some Thank Yous.
#8 New Year’s Resolution – I Do Something That Makes Me Feel Wealthy Every Week
I schedule something that makes me feel wealth every week. It could be as simple as taking a bath, walking in a park, going to the beach, doing your nails, going to a play, etc.
#9 New Year’s Resolution – I Follow My Happiness
Every day I will practice following my happiness, and making decisions that will make me truly happy.
I do this by noticing my feelings more. If I feel cranky then I stop and meditate and that helps me recenter. I also meditate daily and ask myself questions on how to be happy, how to serve God, and what my next steps are.
You can slow down every hour or so and just check in with yourself. “What would make me happy right now?”
#10 New Year’s Resolution – I Work With a Financial Freedom Mentor
Find someone that will mentor you on Financial Freedom! It could be a wealthy neighbor or relative. Maybe there’s a financial program with a coach. You can also read books written by wealthy people.
It could be a co-worker who is just better at money than you.
Beware of financial advisors or anyone that wants you to invest with them or hand over your money to them to invest.
A mentor will help you understand how to keep track of your finances and give you advice on how to invest on your own (not do it for you).