10-22-24 Financial Freedom Affirmations and Visualization – 5 Money Personalities

10-22-24 Financial Freedom Affirmations and Visualization – 5 Money Personalities

Today is 10-22-24 and we are doing our Financial Freedom Affirmations and Visualization and discussing the 5 Money Personalities by Scott and Bethany Palmer!

Scott and Bethany Palmer are financial advisors and discovered these 5 money personalities and how it can help couples solve their money issues and reach their financial goals successfully.

They also have a quiz you can take to see what your money personality is.

The 5 money personalities are:


Someone sho loves saving for the sake of saving is a saver.  They tend to keep everything, love coupons and will brag about how they don’t spend money.  They don’t get into debt and do not overspend.  They can miss out on life and the true value of money if they’re not careful.


This is someone who loves spending.  They love to spend on other people, to live in the moment and are very generous.  They can get into debt easily if they’re not careful.

Risk Taker

This is me actually.  I love to do a good deal.  Sometimes the deal works out and it’s awesome.  Sometimes it doesn’t and it’s really bad.  We keep life interesting but we need to learn to moderate risk so we keep our relationships and communication open with our spouse.

Security Seeker

A security seeker is great at managing risk so that they don’t like taking risks.  The research and do their due diligence.  They make sure they have insurance.  They can have fun and are good at planning.  They might lose out on the fun in spontaneity.


The flyer is the one who doesn’t think about money and focuses on what they love.  They could be broke and happy if they are doing their dream.  This is like the starving artist or musician type.  They can be blindsided by money since they don’t spend any attention on it.


I like this book and the money personalities because they are a great way to see how spouses and partners think and act differently in regards to money.  The authors Scott and Bethany Palmer said they find that a financial plan doesn’t work unless the couple communicates well with each other.

The money personalities allow couples to see how their views of money differ from their spouse’s views on money.  If you have a happy and harmonious money relationship then a couple can follow a financial plan.  Otherwise the financial plan is useless.

I took the quiz and found out I am primarily a risk taker and my secondary money personality is spender.  This is not a surprise to me.

Which personality type are you?

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