1-21-25 Financial Freedom Gratitude, Affirmations and Visualization

1-21-25 Financial Freedom Gratitude, Affirmations and Visualization

It’s time for our Financial Freedom Gratitude, affirmations and visualization practice!

Here’s an excerpt from the Inspiriation for the 10,000 Thank You Challenge from the book Happy Money by Ken Honda:

“The most profound lesson in making and securing good fortune came to me from Wahei Takeda, my mentor.

He once told me a story of a man who came to him in desperation. The man had massive amounts of debt and needed money.

Wahei said he would give him the money but only if he said arigato (thank you) 100,000 times. That meant he would have to say arigato every minute of the day for months on end. The man agreed.

By the time he went to borrow money, he no longer needed it.


His mindset of appreciation started to reap its own rewards. He was able to pay off his debts and no longer needed to borrow the money.

When we say thank you, we release powerful energy into the world. We are instantly present.

We realize everything we have is enough.

We have all that we need. Knowing this and feeling this is the most powerful force in the universe.

You can literally achieve anything when you ground yourself in appreciation and gratitude.”

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