Three Key Lessons I Learned That Keep Me Very Happily Married

Three Key Lessons I Learned That Keep Me Very Happily Married

…one of the biggest changes in my life was marrying my soul mate Jomel…

…I’ve learned a lot of lessons from being married…

…let me share with you the three key lessons that keep us happily together in love…


…being married to Jomel taught me to trust my intuition and to have faith…

…we had met through E-Harmony and had a long distance relationship for a few months in the beginning…

…when he moved over we planned our wedding and got married after knowing each other for about 6 months…

…some said it was very fast and to me, I knew it was right because I took the time to meditate and ask myself if he was my soulmate…

…the answer was yes so I decided to marry him when he asked the second time…

…I trusted my intuition…

…and in the beginning when sometimes things got rocky because we had disagreements, I had faith in him and in us and remained trusting of my intuition…

…and all things worked out…

…being trusting of my intution and having faith in my spouse was the the biggest lesson I learned…


…the second biggest lesson was to always take responsibility for my feelings…

…sometimes I’m busy with work, and blogging and the baby and I think that Jomel should do this or that…

…and when he doesn’t I get frustrated…

…well, that frustration usually doesn’t last because I’m quick to realize that it is me with the issue…

…if I’m frustrated then I’m not getting enough sleep, or taking on too much work, not scheduling play time, not properly asking for help…

…whatever it is, I know that I am responsible for my feelings…

…and blaming it on anyone else is avoiding the issue and making things worse…

…I would rather keep a happy household so I choose to take time outs and manage my feelings…

…in turn, when others in my household are having a bad day, I let them also have the time to themselves to manage their feelings…


…the third greatest lesson I learned in marriage that has helped the other two is to always practice gratitude…

…on a daily basis I say thank you and I love you to Jomel…

…to me it’s like watering flowers, love is something I can give out everyday and it makes us both stronger…

…as long as I consciously practice gratitude everyday, it is easy to feel love for Jomel…

…and I love expressing it and enjoying my time with him because it is so precious!

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One Reply to “Three Key Lessons I Learned That Keep Me Very Happily Married”

  1. Awesome post Meylysa!
    Such a beautiful love story.
    Thanks for sharing the 3 keys
    that keeps you happily married.
    A lot more people would stay happily married if they
    practice these 3 keys on a daily basis.
    Thanks for sharing!