About Mey How Valuable Is Your Time?

How Valuable Is Your Time?

Mey here on a cool Thursday morning, with the rain gently patting on the plants outside of my window, writing to you about one of the key questions to your financial freedom…How Valuable Is Your Time?

…to me, all of our financial freedom journey or quest really comes down to this one idea of the value of our time…

…because money isn’t what we are ultimately after when we want to be financially free…

…of course, we do need enough money to support ourselves and allow us to make choices regarding our lifestyle…

…the real indicator though of freedom is the value of our time…

…we want to have control over our own time…

…we want to be able to spend our time our way, by our own choice…

How Valuable Is Your Time?

…so, here are some questions to help you realize how much value you are putting on your time…

…most people agree that the most precious times in their lives are with their children and family…

…to be there for them for sporting events, or weddings, or just to play with your kids and share with each other on a daily basis…

…so do you take the time to do that?

Inspiration 3 Tragic True Stories About Money Gained and Lost – And How You Can Learn From Them

3 Tragic True Stories About Money Gained and Lost – And How You Can Learn From Them

…Mey here on a humid Halloween evening blogging about 3 Tragic Stories About Money Gained and Lost – And How You Can Learn From Them…

…we learn a lot from stories, some would argue that it is the only way we really learn anything…

…well, if you can learn from these 3 tragic stories then it will have been worth my effort in telling them to you…

…all the stories written below are true, however, the names have been changed to mask their identities…

…on this night, we bring up the dead to allow the living to learn how to be better with their money…

About Mey Water “Wai” and Wealth “Wai Wai” – What is Wealth?

Water “Wai” and Wealth “Wai Wai” – What is Wealth?

…Mey here writing a blog inspired from our family visit to Dole Plantation yesterday on Water “Wai” and Wealth “Wai Wai” – What is Wealth?

…we were touring the beautiful gardens and learned that the Hawaiian word for fresh water is “wai” and the word for wealth is “wai wai”…

…fresh water means a lot to Hawaiians because if you found a source, then you could live…

…you could grow plants, drink water, etc…

…when I think about becoming financially free, I sometimes think that I want to become wealthy…

…the thing is I already am wealthy…

…afterall, I do have fresh water to drink yes?

Inspiration Story Time – The Power of This Moment

Story Time – The Power of This Moment

…Mey here early on Wednesday sharing with you Story Time – The Power of This Moment…

…I watched our Agape Sunday Service last night, my online church community with Micheal Beckwith…

…and he shared with us a powerful story about The Power of This Moment…

…so there was a lady who wrote a list of everything she needed…

…she wrote down that next month she was going to need to pay her rent, pay her car payment, buy clothes for her kids, put food in her fridge…

…she put the list in a drawer, closed the drawer and started to pray…

About Mey How exercising regularly can make you money

How exercising regularly can make you money

Yes, it’s Mey and I’m awake on a Thursday morning writing about How exercising regularly can make you money…

…so, I was listening to the audio book for The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business…

…a book that our friend Stephen recommended to my husband Jomel…

…and it is fascinating, I HIGHLY recommend you get it…

…there was a part that really caught my attention on Keystone habits…

…he talked about how changing one Keystone habit can be the trigger to changing a lot of other habits…

…and one Keystone habit was exercise…

…if someone started to exercise regularly, it oftentimes led to them eating healthier as well as using their Credit Cards less!!!

…I mean, how is that possible?

About Mey What Are My Chances of Becoming Financially Free?

What Are My Chances of Becoming Financially Free?

…hi, I’m Mey, a Super Mom, and I woke up early before my husband and son so that I could blog and spend more time in the evenings with both of them, and today’s topic is What Are My Chances of Becoming Financially Free?

…this is an important topic as less than 1% of the world is actually financially free…

…most people have to work for a living or depend on someone else who works for a living…

…and yet, there are people who are free…

…they took the actions and created a life where they work on their passions, and don’t need to work for the money anymore…

…so if you want to be financially free, what are your chances of getting your goal?

Exercises Wealth Meditation

Wealth Meditation

….Mey here on a lovely Thursday evening, beautiful breeze coming in through my window from the mauka side of the Island and truly grateful to be alive and sharing with you tonight a Wealth Meditation…

…I read this last night in the book You Can Heal Your Life (Gift Edition) by Louise Hay…

…in it she talks about how to bring wealth, health and happiness into our lives…

…and she shares a Wealth Meditation…

…here it goes…

Mindset Can You Be Spiritual and Make Tons of Money?

Can You Be Spiritual and Make Tons of Money?

…this is Mey here blogging on a beautiful and raining Sunday afternoon blogging about Can You Be Spiritual and Make Tons of Money?

…I did a scope on this topic this morning, and I got a lot of interesting comments regarding it…
…some of the comments show that people have a lot of energy around money and spirituality…

…one person felt that God didn’t like money and wanted nothing to do with it…

…other’s felt that money makes things fun…

…some people think money is a tool to use in life…

…however, very few thought about money being an outlet for spirituality…

About Mey Children and Financial Freedom

Children and Financial Freedom

…this is Mey here on a beautiful and cool Thursday evening, after a massive rainfall during the day, talking about Children and Financial Freedom

…by far one of the biggest MOTIVATORS for people to get life insurance, save money, buy a house, get a stable job and do things that drastically improve their money and wealth is when they have children…

…suddenly, it isn’t just you anymore, now you have to care for this cute little bundle of joy that you love more than your own life…

…and priorities shift…

Planning and Action Doing More Than What You Are Paid For

Doing More Than What You Are Paid For

…Mey here on a cooler Wednesday night listening to Michael Martin on the Empower Hour and blogging about Doing More Than What You Are Paid For…

…have you ever heard a coworker tell you that they refuse to do something because it’s not what they are paid for?

…ever been that person yourself?

…I have been there, especially when I want to go home and be with my kids, and work out at the gym, and be just be at home!

…according to Napoleon Hill in his book The Law of Success, one of the laws of success is to get into the HABIT OF DOING MORE THAN YOU ARE PAID…