Books The Science of the Habits of Financially Free People: How to Achieve Results Fast

The Science of the Habits of Financially Free People: How to Achieve Results Fast

…Mey here on a warm Sunday evening, after a day of cycling, playing in the sand and the ocean, I write to you about The Science of the Habits of Financially Free People: How to Achieve Results Fast…

…everything that we do automatically without having to thing about (driving a car, scrambling an egg, putting on our clothes) is the result of habits that we have formed…

…we need habits to learn new routines and function…

…however, there are habits that allow us also to be financially free as well…

…read on to learn about the Habits of People Who Are Financially Free…

About Mey 3 Books That Changed My Life Instantly

3 Books That Changed My Life Instantly

…Mey here on a Thursday morning, winter is coming, it is dark and cooler outside, grateful for my son and husband and my mom and our beautiful home here in Honolulu HI, blogging about 3 Books That Changed My Life Instantly…

…ever read a book and then INSTANTLY, your life changed for the better?

…you had an AH HAH moment and then BOOM, instantly you were a better person?

…sometimes a book can change you slowly, sometimes it has an impact years later, however, these 3 books changed my life the second I read the life changing words that were found in them…

…the first helped me lose 3 pounds easily in 2 weeks without any change to how much I exercise…

…the second gave me more money in my bank account every month…

…and the third helped me live in every moment, and appreciate how extraordinary life really is…