Budgeting Are You Making These 9 Fatal Financial Freedom Mistakes?

Are You Making These 9 Fatal Financial Freedom Mistakes?

…Mey here at 6am on a Tuesday morning, ready for a new and beautiful day, blogging about Are You Making These 7 Fatal Financial Freedom Mistakes?

…I wanted to make sure that I share the mistakes I made with you, and explain why it is that most people will never be financially free…

…these mistakes are so common that they keep most people dependent on a job or someone else for money their entire lives…

…so here are the 9 Fatal Financial Freedom Mistakes…

Mindset 17 Tips on How to Create Empowering Habits

17 Tips on How to Create Empowering Habits

…what if you could live your life doing what you love AND become financially free, AND live your dream life, AND give the greatest service to the world…

…what if it was automatic?

…well, it can be if you form empowering habits…

…this post shares 17 tips to creating empowering habits…

…since this blog is about financial freedom, we will focus on the habit of saving at least 10% of your income…

…let’s do this!

Mindset How To Change Your Money Habits And Become Financially Free

How To Change Your Money Habits And Become Financially Free

Did you know that there is a way to change your money habits?

…what are your habits?

…do you spend everything that you make?

…do you work in a low paying job?

…do you give away your money to family and friends or charities?

…or do you save money and use it to become financially free?

…this post will help you change the habits that aren’t serving you, and start saving at least 10% of all that you make…