5 Essential Must See Videos on How To Make Money With Bonds

5 Essential Must See Videos on How To Make Money With Bonds

…what are bonds and why are people avoiding them today?

…when does it make sense to buy bonds?

…learn all you need to know about bonds with the essential must-watch videos…

  1. What is a Bond

    …this video give an excellent explanation of what a bond is and how to make money from buying and trading in bonds…
  2. What are the components of a bond

    …this is a nice video that explains the bond language such as par value, and yield, and interest rates…

    …it also shows you how rates affect the price of bonds…

    …also talks about basis points (100 bp = 1%)…

  3. The basics of bonds – MoneyWeek Investment Tutorials

    …this is a great tutorial showing how the price of the bond affects the yield…

    …pretty easy to understand as well…

  4. Bonds basics part two – MoneyWeek Investment Tutorials

    …this is part 2 of bond basics and it explains what corporate bonds are…

    …it also explains how they are rated by agencies such as Standard and Poors, Fitch and Moody…

    …really easy to understand…

    …just know that when he mentions par value, that means what the company will pay you when the bond matures…

  5. Value a Bond and Calculate Yield to Maturity (YTM)

    …great video explaining how to figure out what you will really make when you buy a bond by understanding the Yield to Maturity…

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4 Replies to “5 Essential Must See Videos on How To Make Money With Bonds”

  1. Awesome post, Mey!
    This is a must-know for all people if they want to achieve financial freedom.
    Thanks a lot for sharing such great value.

  2. Thanks for sharing your information about bonds, being from the accounting world I have studied and learned about them but not invested in them though.

    1. Thanks for the comment Dan! They are good to invest in if timed correctly.